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RELEASE BLITZ – Flirtatious Flyboy (A Cocky Hero Club Novel) by Maria Vickers

Title: Flirtatious Flyboy
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Maria Vickers
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 9, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Real love is an illusion that left me heartbroken and a single mother. I tried, failed, and am finally picking up the pieces. No one will convince me I need to give love another chance, especially not the sexy as sin pilot who attempts to do just that. He is annoying and won’t go away. Why won’t he take a hint? And why am I letting him get under my skin? I should just forget him, but for some reason, I can’t. His ice-blue eyes are destroying the walls of protection around my heart.
As a pilot, I live for the rush of flying thousands of feet into the air. I didn’t do relationships. The word commitment was not part of my vocabulary. I had fun, played the field, and did whatever I wanted, but one weekend with her changed everything. I couldn’t forget her. Cass is guarded, but I can see over her walls. She’s afraid and hurt, but I won’t let that stop me. I plan on healing her heart and winning over her and her son, and unlike the idiot who let her go, I never will.
Flirtatious Flyboy is a single parent romance inspired by Playboy Pilot.


Maria Vickers is a bestselling and award-winning author who currently resides in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. Life is about what you make of it, you have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that her readers will have the same experience when reading her stories, and that, in some way, they can relate to her characters.

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.


BLOG TOUR – Designer Assassin (Heels, Rhymes & Nursery Crimes) by Maria Vickers

Mistress Black Sheep, bring your tools, 
Point your muzzle, for the world you’ll fool. 
Keep your hands steady and watch your back. 
Gather your sins using that deceitful tact.
Sew your stitches with your deadly sight—a show in the day, a contract with the night.

Holly Honey is one of the leading fashion designers in the world, but what no one knows is she has a side job and is anything but sweet. Her sharp eyes can take out her targets from a distance. Threading a needle is easy for her…no matter the tool. She has never questioned her jobs, until now when a familiar face appears on the other side of her scope. Why would anyone want Elijah gone? He’s probably the least dangerous person on the planet. Now, she has to save him and safeguard her heart at the same time. If anyone can design the perfect scheme, she can.

Welcome to Nursery Crimes, where tales are twisted and happily ever afters are not always guaranteed.


Twenty years ago, I was a different person. No, there was no tragic backstory. I still had both parents whom I couldn’t care less about, still had a little sister whom I loved and adored, and like all teenage girls, I’d had my heart broken a million times. There was no one thing that made me who I am. Or maybe there was?

At eleven, I’d been obsessed by our next-door neighbor. He lived in a grand house alone, in a neighborhood where that wasn’t done. Families, most of whom lived there for the prestige and bragging rights, surrounded him. It was a pretentious place just outside of Savannah, Georgia. Lawyers, doctors, heads of companies, old and new money all wanted the right to buy a house in that neighborhood. He was the oddball in a sea of weirdness.

Even as a young girl, I loved drawing. Bright and vibrant colors always made it into my drawings, and according to my parents, I was a little too colorful for them. They tried to tone me down. I’d rather wear a neon pink tutu than my school uniform any day of the week. Light dull blue with drab khaki and brown loafers ruled me five days a week, but the moment I got home, I was running up to my room, already untucking my shirt to change into something more me. They couldn’t make me gray or tan or whatever fucking color they were trying for. I was a rainbow of colors and would not be silenced.

My sister, Madison, wanted to please my parents and did everything they asked until she found out the world was bigger than our house. College awakened her.

Maybe that was why the neighbor caught my attention. Like me, he was different and didn’t fit into the societal norm for that neighborhood. He never had anyone come to visit, he remained a loner, and he did all of his own yard work, which properly scandalized my parents, who paid a premium for one of the best lawns on our street. Considering my father was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and my mother was one of the most sought-after neurosurgeons, they could afford it.

I would peer through a hole in the fence that was hidden by some ivy and watch him. Sometimes, he would set up a target, walk away from it, turn around, and shoot. At the time, I wasn’t sure when or where he got the gun. It also had this long thing at the end and hardly ever made a sound. Of course, I never told my parents. No, I marched over to the neighbor’s house and demanded he teach me how to shoot. It took a little convincing, including blackmailing him with what I’d seen, but he eventually gave in. Honestly, I think he was just tired of me showing up at his house and making a fuss.

Later, I learned he was trying to keep a low profile, and he was an assassin. He’d picked the worst neighborhood for keeping a low profile, and I told him so. Laughing, he informed me he inherited the house from his grandfather.

He became my best friend. Maybe, at one point, I might have had a small crush on him, but it didn’t last long. In some ways, he was more of a father to me than mine since my parents could hardly be bothered, and my nanny would rather gossip on the phone than watch me when my parents weren’t around. She was just there to collect a paycheck, same as the maid.

Les taught me how to aim and shoot a variety of weapons. He also taught me how to use a knife and hand-to-hand combat. The one and only time a boy refused to take no for an answer and grabbed my arm, he got a lesson in manners. Too bad it was at school, and my parents were called. No, it wasn’t Theodore’s fault. He was just teasing me. He didn’t mean anything by it. I was the one who got into trouble because I broke his arm and kneed him in the crotch. I wound up suspended for a week, had to write an apology letter to Theodore, and my parents grounded me. I wrote the letter under duress, and the grounding didn’t bother me because other than Les, I had no friends, and he was gone for two weeks on a “job.” I was sixteen and didn’t care about dates or dances, gossip gave me hives, and I thought most girls were insipid and stupid.

RELEASE BLITZ – Designer Assassin (Heels, Rhymes & Nursery Crimes) by Maria Vickers

Mistress Black Sheep, bring your tools, 
Point your muzzle, for the world you’ll fool. 
Keep your hands steady and watch your back. 
Gather your sins using that deceitful tact.
Sew your stitches with your deadly sight—a show in the day, a contract with the night.

Holly Honey is one of the leading fashion designers in the world, but what no one knows is she has a side job and is anything but sweet. Her sharp eyes can take out her targets from a distance. Threading a needle is easy for her…no matter the tool. She has never questioned her jobs, until now when a familiar face appears on the other side of her scope. Why would anyone want Caleb gone? He’s probably the least dangerous person on the planet. Now, she has to save him and safeguard her heart at the same time. If anyone can design the perfect scheme, she can.

Welcome to Nursery Crimes, where tales are twisted and happily ever afters are not always guaranteed.


There was a small thrill that came out of squeezing the trigger on my rifle, of seeing the bullet land exactly where I wanted it to go, defying the laws of physics while I made the weather my lover, not my enemy. I was good at my job, very good, and my clients paid handsomely for my services.

My bullets never strayed, never missed, and were never found. Nothing could or would ever be traced back to me. Now, my clients, if they fucked up, that was on them. Not me. And if the world came crashing down around them, the police catching them, they couldn’t give anyone my name because I was an enigma, a shadow. The only person who ever knew my true identity was dead.

“Mistress Black Sheep, have you any wool?” the laughing voice said into my earpiece.

“Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Three body bags full. Such a shame. They bled all over the beautiful Italian marble. Can you make sure to clean that up while you’re at it?”

“I’m a cleaner, not a maid,” he groused. I did so love taunting him, but he was the one who started it. I only knew him as Jeeves, which made my joke even funnier to me.

“Don’t touch the two men. Only clean the woman. She’s in a different room to prevent the blood from co-mingling. We need someone to take the fall for this, and we don’t want this coming back on the mistress. Do you have the documents I left for you?”

“I do.”

“Leave them where they can be found, but don’t make it too easy for our police friends. They need to earn their paycheck.”

His laugh was rich and deep. “Of course.” If he didn’t do his part, it was no skin off my nose. The wrong person might be implicated, but it wasn’t going to be me.

The call disconnected, and I disassembled my gun, placing it back in its case. This job was done, and the next…well, I had a show to get ready for. 

Maria Vickers is a bestselling and award-winning author who currently resides in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. Life is about what you make of it, you have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that her readers will have the same experience when reading her stories, and that, in some way, they can relate to her characters.

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach. 

Join her reader group, Maria’s Love Seekers:
Volume 1 –
Volume 2 –
Volume 3 –
Volume 4 –
Volume 5 – Round and Round by S.L. Romines
Volume 6 –
Volume 7 –
Volume 8 –
Volume 9 –
Volume 10 –
Volume 11 –
Volume 12 –
Volume 13 –
Volume 14 –
Want even more from the Heels, Rhymes, and Nursery Crimes Universe? 
Well, you’re in luck! 
Series Two is coming out May 2022
Series Three is coming out October 2022

RELEASE BLITZ – Somebody 2 Love by Maria Vickers

Somebody 2 Love

by Maria Vickers

M/M Contemporary Romance




Will the past come back to destroy everything they are building? Two strangers meeting by chance, searching for somebody to love, and finding each other. 

 Rhys had it all…for the most part. He didn’t mind leaving people or dreams in the past because he was determined to carve out a new future with his fiancé, Nick. But like a house of cards, it all came crashing down around him. Nick found someone else to love, and Rhys suddenly found himself with nothing. Will Rhys open his heart again or keep it sealed shut?

 Declan experienced a lot as an Army doctor, but once he was able, he got out, tired of war and suffering. When he meets Rhys, Declan sees a brokenness in the other man’s eyes and wants to do anything he can to drive away Rhys’s ghosts. Even if it means risking his own heart. 

Maria Vickers is a bestselling and award-winning author who currently resides in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. Life is about what you make of it, you have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that her readers will have the same experience when reading her stories, and that, in some way, they can relate to her characters. 

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach. 











 Hosted By: 

RECENT RELEASE – Desperate Desires (Snow Twins #1 ~ Dark Leopards MC: West Michigan Chapter) by Maria Vickers


As a young boy, abandoned by my parents and ripped apart from my twin sister, I learned early on that the world was full of evil and hate. I survived by living between the light and darkness, using my shifter abilities to stay alive…until one mistake should have cost me my life. Instead, it became my salvation and gave me a family and band of brothers who had my back no matter what.

The Dark Leopards MC was not a gang to be trifled with, and many gave us a wide birth, and as the Sergeant At Arms, I ensured that’s the way it stayed. But someone was trying to encroach on our territory and begin a war. I suspect the woman I saved, the woman whom I discover is my mate, is tied to it all somehow. I just have to figure out the puzzle before it’s too late.


I was only trying to help a friend. The last thing I ever thought is that my friend would try to kidnap me, but thankfully someone or something saved me. Rushing to meet my roommate, Siam, I got another shock when the gang responsible for my brother’s death are her friends. I didn’t care if her brother had mesmerizing eyes or if I had a hard time not thinking about him. He was the enemy!

But even as my enemy, he may be my only chance to stay alive and learn the truth. And if Snow is the one protecting me in and out of bed, I wouldn’t complain too much.

**Previous published in Dark Leopards MC, Michigan Chapter, it has been expanded and contains new content.

Add to your Goodreads: 

I was on the verge of turning sixteen and needed some money. A thick billfold attached to a chain caught my attention. Easy pickings. Some shifters’ gifts could only be used while in their animal counterparts, but not mine. I had the ability to use mine both in animal and human form, and I took full advantage. It meant, if I wanted to, I could sleep with a roof over my head, and no one would be the wiser.

Ducking into an alley, I kept my eye on my target and stripped before activating my gift. I’d learned at ten that suddenly disappearing in front of anyone tended to make people freak out, and it was worse if you disappeared, but your clothes didn’t. In addition, no one wanted to see a kid strip down naked in the middle of the room so they could become invisible.

Stepping out of the alley, I noticed my target leaning against a big blue mailbox, scanning the area. Maybe he was looking for someone. Good. It meant his attention would be on whatever he was doing, and he was less likely to notice the disappearance of his wallet. He was making this too easy for me.

I moved closer and realized the man was a shifter, and my heart thudded. I swallowed hard, and it sounded loud in my ears. I inched my way toward him, slow and steady because I didn’t want him to realize I was there. There was always a higher level of danger when I stole from a shifter. However, it never stopped me.

His leather cut made me pause, but only for a second. This man was giving off a don’t fuck with me vibe, and I had the feeling many didn’t argue with him. I needed his wallet, though. Three more steps. The pounding pulse in my ears drowned out the sounds around me. This man was bad news. One more step. I could do this. I’d done it a million times, and this was no different than anyone else, except this guy could probably kill me. He had that look about him.

Reaching for his wallet, I noticed the back of his cut. FUCK ME! Not probably kill me. Definitely kill me. Dark Leopards MC was spelled out in bold letters along with their logo. I’d picked the wrong person to steal from…or had I? If I managed to get his fat wallet, not only would I have his money, I could have the satisfaction of knowing I’d stolen it from a patched member of the local badass MC.

Slowly and carefully, I detached the wallet from the chain and began to pull it out of his pocket, and then all hell broke loose. His large paw grabbed my wrist, squeezing hard, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out. It hurt like a motherfucker! How? How had he noticed me? He shouldn’t be able to see or smell me. I was completely invisible. 

“Big mistake, boy,” he growled.
See? Very naïve little shit.

Maria Vickers is a bestselling and award-winning author who currently resides in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. Life is about what you make of it, you have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that her readers will have the same experience when reading her stories, and that, in some way, they can relate to her characters.

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.


BLOG TOUR – Unbreak Me by Maria Vickers

Unbreak Me
Maria Vickers
MM romance/ghost story

They were supposed to be together forever. That was the plan, but through a cruel twist of fate the night before their three-year anniversary, Tex Davis lost the one man he would ever love, Memphis King. A year has passed and he still hasn’t been able to move on. Everyone tells him it’s time, but what do they know? Memphis was his partner in love and life. Losing him, broke Tex.

Tex has been given an opportunity to move from New York to Seattle. His friends and family are encouraging him to take it, but he has already decided to decline the offer because that would mean leaving Memphis behind.

Then something happened.

Whether it be fate or something else, Memphis came back to him. Tex’s first love is supposed to help him move on, but not even Memphis can bring himself to force Tex to let him go.

Is it so wrong to want to spend forever with the person you loved most? Both hearts are begging to be unbroken.

1 –
One year. One year since Tex had lost Memphis. One year since his lover had been killed, and it had yet to get easier. Everyone kept telling him it would, it never did. There were times he thought about ending it all, and then he would feel something…hear something, making him change his mind.
Actually, sometimes he thought he was losing it.
And today, he called in sick to work, unable to get out of bed until this afternoon. When he finally emerged, he only relocated to the living room after grabbing a full bottle of Southern Comfort, plopping down on the sofa. The very sofa he and Memphis picked out together. It had been their first major furniture decision when they decided to move in together. The moment the delivery men left, Tex and Memphis broke it in thoroughly, wearing themselves out.
Tex’s eyes looked around the room. It seemed so empty without Memphis, and he felt so lost without his lover. He’d been sitting here for hours? Minutes? It had to be some amount of time since the bottle was half gone and he was feeling a drunken morose engulfing him, and he could not stop the bitter question from leaving his lips, the very question he had been asking daily since losing his best friend, lover, other half…his everything. “Why? Why Memphis? Why did you have to go? Why did it have to be you and not me?”

Shaking his head, Tex sniffled and brought his glass filled with amber liquid to his lips. “When you left, it completely broke my heart…I’m still broken. I need to hear you say that you love me one more time. A million more times, but that won’t happen. Can’t happen.” He took another gulp, draining the glass before wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
Pouring himself another glassful of liquor, he breathed out as drops of saltwater fell on his coffee table. He should probably stop drinking and put himself to bed to finish wallowing there, but he couldn’t. It had been one year. One year since that fateful night…unlucky night more like it. One year since he’d heard Memphis’s voice, touched his body, and the loss Tex felt that night remained just as acute tonight as it did then. He thought time was supposed to heal the wounds, to lessen the pain…lies. All lies. “It’s my fault, Memphis. If I hadn’t been spiteful and allowed that monstrous bitch, jealousy, to cloud my judgment…if only. If only. I regretted everything, regretted that the last words I spoke to you were bitter and vile. I can’t forget you, can’t move on. I’m lonely without you, Memphis. It hurts so much that you aren’t here.” He wailed like a banshee, his cry full of sorrow and pain.

More tears were falling, but he ignored them like he’d done every time they sprang up. It was easy to do after all this time; besides, they didn’t matter. Nothing mattered any longer and hadn’t for a year.
He sobbed again and then got angry. “I wish you could come back to fix me, fix what you destroyed when you left, but that’s a pipe dream. You got mad, said your piece, and then stormed out of here. If you had just waited…” Tex choked on his words.

“You went the other way. Why? Why the other way? Was it because of the bar? The one where we met? Memphis, do you remember? I was sitting at the bar and you walked up to me and gave me that stupid, cheesy pickup line, ‘I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?’ So stupid. I remember I said, ‘That’s a shame because I lost mine too. I guess we’re both screwed.’ You winked at me then. I should have known something bad was going to come out of your mouth…sexy mouth.
‘Not yet, but we could be.’ I laughed. You were always good at making me laugh, making me smile.” Shaking his head and snickering, he poured another glass. If he destroyed his liver, if he got alcohol poisoning, then maybe he could be with Memphis again.

Tex downed the entire glass, hoping that the pain would deaden or that he would stop feeling anything. Maybe if he drank enough, he could join Memphis.
Grabbing a pillow from the couch, Tex threw it across the room, and it bounced off the window overlooking the streets of Manhattan. “You were supposed to go right! You were supposed to go to Christy’s apartment!” He wailed, “Why weren’t you at your sister’s? Why did you have to go the other way? She looked horrible because she had been sick, even her blue hair looked green.” Tex snorted mirthlessly.

It’s been a year and Tex floated through life, unable to move on. “I know I should continue to live for us…for you, but I don’t know how,” Tex’s words ended on a shout, full of rage, and his face was red from more than just the alcohol.

“There has always only been you. You got me when no one else did. You loved me…I loved you. Three years. We were together one night shy of three years. We never got to see four.” Tex fell back and stared up at the blue ceiling with white fluffy clouds painted on it, his tears falling down his face like two rivers. There was no point in wiping them away because there was no end to them, and he couldn’t staunch them even if he tried. Memphis was gone and would forever remain gone.

He chugged the rest of the amber liquid from the bottle and fell to his side onto the couch, resting his head on the cushion. More tears fell. They never stopped. Even if they weren’t falling down his face, his soul cried and mourned the loss of his friend and lover. The pain hadn’t stopped since the day he lost Memphis.

Sitting up, Tex grabbed the bottle of Southern Comfort and raised it into the air, choosing to do away with the glass. “A toast to you and your lost life. Memphis, I still love you, and I wish every single god damned day that you were still here beside me. Each day that passes reminds me that you will never be part of my life again, that you will never hold me, never tease me again. You were funny, caring, sexy, and all mine. Forgive me…God, please forgive me for that night, for accusing you of cheating. I know you loved me. Jealousy is a fucking bitch. Somehow, I’d gotten it into my head that you were leaving me when you weren’t. I found out after. Sometimes I think I killed you. I’m sorry. So, so sorry.” He whimpered as he took in a shaky breath. “Memphis, I will always love you and only you.”

I wish you were here to fix the heart you broke when you died, Memphis, Tex thought to himself as he closed his eyes. Before he fully submitted to the effects of the alcohol though, he felt a set of lips press against his. “Memphis, love…” he slurred, his words tapering off as he finally allowed himself to completely fall into the void.
Fingers running through his short brown curls and the heaviness of someone sitting next to him had Tex leaning into the touch and smiling. “Memphis, I’m trying to sleep,” he argued, pretending not to like the feel of his lover soothing him. 
Reality hit a split second later.
Tex’s eyes popped open, but all he saw was the blackness of his blanket because when he slept, he liked to bury himself and only the top of his head could be seen. Pushing it down and away from him, he twisted his head this way and that, trying to figure out why it felt as if someone was playing with his hair when the apartment should have been completely empty save for him. Events from the previous night filtered into his brain, and he shook his head, still scanning the room. 
   Another thought occurred to him. He was so focused on if it could be Memphis, there was a more logical explanation–thanks to Christy and Wil for planting the idea in his head. Spider! He panicked and grabbed his head, trying to dislodge the bug if it existed, but he found nothing. Instead, much like the night before, he fell off the bed onto the floor, this time hitting his hard head with a loud thud.
 “It wasn’t a spider,” Memphis told him, although watching Tex scramble as he did, had been funny as hell. He didn’t know what happened earlier, one minute he had been here in this apartment with Tex, and the next, nothing…blackness. Nothing scary or oppressive, just a void. Some might call it purgatory, but he didn’t think so because if that was the case, why was he allowed to leave and come back to his Tex? 
Head snapping up, Tex tried to find the source of the voice, and this time he did, a little easier than last time. With the curtains drawn and the sun beginning to set, the room was dimly lit, and on the bed, on Memphis’s side of the bed, was a…something. Tex wasn’t exactly sure how to describe it. It wasn’t a figure, but it wasn’t exactly nothing either. A mist? No. Smoke? Not really. Shadow? Sort of. It was just there. 
“Me-Mem…Memphis?” Tex asked hesitantly. His heart was beating wildly and he was on the verge of hyperventilating as his eyes widened, waiting in anticipation for the answer he would receive. And he didn’t know which way he wanted the…thing to answer. If positive, Tex might be crazy. If negative–in a way–it would be like losing Memphis again. Fuck, he was a wishy-washy asshole!
“Do you remember the night we met? I think I might have told you, but I don’t remember, but the reason I approached you was that I didn’t want Jordan to have you,” Memphis told Tex as if this whole situation was completely normal. 
Tex gaped at the bed. The thing sort of had a form, but not really, and while it seemed Memphis voice came from it, it didn’t mean that it was Memphis. “Jordan? What do you mean?” He recalled something about Jordan and that night, but he couldn’t think right now because even if it wasn’t actually Memphis speaking to him, it was his voice. Tex couldn’t stop himself from asking while he tried to decide if he should scream and run for his life to admit himself into the nearest psych ward, or if he should rejoice because his lover had finally come back to him. 
“We played pool to decide who would approach you that night. I lost, and when he went to the bathroom to piss out the five beers he drank, I made my move. It was a toss-up if we would remain friends, or if he would punch me in the nuts and never speak to me again.” 
“No guy would ever punch another one in the sack.” Tex still wasn’t sure, although, that did sound like something Memphis would say, and definitely something Jordan would threaten if he was pissed off. 
Memphis chuckled. “You do remember Jordan, right?”

Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Unbreak Me will have a side story for Jordan titled Found You.

It is an MM contemporary romance and will appear in With Love From New Orleans Anthology. Available for preorder for 99 cents.

Jordan Cash came to New Orleans to have fun with his latest fling, however, within twenty-four hours of arriving, he’s been abandoned and finds himself wandering around the city doing the tourist thing alone. Everyone is finding someone to love, but that’s not in the cards for him. He’ll spend his days cheering on his friends and having the time of his life. 
He never expected to run into a man who immediately catches his attention in the middle of a graveyard. Did the Voodoo Queen put a spell on him from the beyond? 
To say that Archer Wolfe is directionally challenged is the understatement of the year. He broke his cellphone and can get lost in the very city he lives in. It’s no surprise he gets turned around, and while trying to find his way, he pushes Jordan into a stone crypt. Not the best way to make a first impression. 
Archer isn’t looking for love or anything else, but there is something about the smooth-talking Jordan. It was supposed to be a fling, simply some fun, but he is realizing he doesn’t want Jordan to disappear. 
Once you’ve found someone who calls to your soul, how do you let go? 
Maria Vickers currently lives in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. She believes that life is about what you make of it. You have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.
From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that with her books, her readers have the same experience and that they can relate to her characters.
Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.

BLOG TOUR – Unbreak Me by Maria Vickers

Unbreak Me
Author: Maria Vickers
Genre: MM, Gay Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: T.E. Black Designs
Cover Models: TankJoey and Dr. Travis France
Release Date: March 21, 2019

They were supposed to be together forever. That was the plan, but through a cruel twist of fate the night before their three-year anniversary, Tex Davis lost the one man he would ever love, Memphis King. A year has passed and he still hasn’t been able to move on. Everyone tells him it’s time, but what do they know? Memphis was his partner in love and life. Losing him, broke Tex.
Tex has been given an opportunity to move from New York to Seattle. His friends and family are encouraging him to take it, but he has already decided to decline the offer because that would mean leaving Memphis behind. 
Then something happened. 
Whether it be fate or something else, Memphis came back to him. Tex’s first love is supposed to help him move on, but not even Memphis can bring himself to force Tex to let him go. 
Is it so wrong to want to spend forever with the person you loved most? Both hearts are begging to be unbroken.
Two broken hearts, one wandering soul.


One year. One year since Tex had lost Memphis. One year since his lover had been killed, and it had yet to get easier. Everyone kept telling him it would, it never did. There were times he thought about ending it all, and then he would feel something…hear something, making him change his mind. Actually, sometimes he thought he was losing it. 
And today, he called in sick to work, unable to get out of bed until this afternoon. When he finally emerged, he only relocated to the living room after grabbing a full bottle of Southern Comfort, plopping down on the sofa. The very sofa he and Memphis picked out together. It had been their first major furniture decision when they decided to move in together. The moment the delivery men left, Tex and Memphis broke it in thoroughly, wearing themselves out. 
Tex’s eyes looked around the room. It seemed so empty without Memphis, and he felt so lost without his lover. He’d been sitting here for hours? Minutes? It had to be some amount of time since the bottle was half gone and he was feeling a drunken morose engulfing him, and he could not stop the bitter question from leaving his lips, the very question he had been asking daily since losing his best friend, lover, other half…his everything. “Why? Why Memphis? Why did you have to go? Why did it have to be you and not me?” 
Shaking his head, Tex sniffled and brought his glass filled with amber liquid to his lips. “When you left, it completely broke my heart…I’m still broken. I need to hear you say that you love me one more time. A million more times, but that won’t happen. Can’t happen.” He took another gulp, draining the glass before wiping his nose with the back of his hand. 
More tears were falling, but he ignored them like he’d done every time they sprang up. It was easy to do after all this time; besides, they didn’t matter. Nothing mattered any longer and hadn’t for a year. 
He sobbed again and then got angry. “I wish you could come back to fix me, fix what you destroyed when you left, but that’s a pipe dream. You got mad, said your piece, and then stormed out of here. If you had just waited…” Tex choked on his words. 
Pouring himself another glassful of liquor, he breathed out as drops of saltwater fell on his coffee table. He should probably stop drinking and put himself to bed to finish wallowing there, but he couldn’t. It had been one year. One year since that fateful night…unlucky night more like it. One year since he’d heard Memphis’s voice, touched his body, and the loss Tex felt that night remained just as acute tonight as it did then. He thought time was supposed to heal the wounds, to lessen the pain…lies. All lies. “It’s my fault, Memphis. If I hadn’t been spiteful and allowed that monstrous bitch, jealousy, to cloud my judgment…if only. If only. I regretted everything, regretted that the last words I spoke to you were bitter and vile. I can’t forget you, can’t move on. I’m lonely without you, Memphis. It hurts so much that you aren’t here.” He wailed like a banshee, his cry full of sorrow and pain. 
Tex downed the entire glass, hoping that the pain would deaden or that he would stop feeling anything. Maybe if he drank enough, he could join Memphis.

Maria Vickers currently lives in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. She believes that life is about what you make of it. You have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that with her books, her readers have the same experience and that they can relate to her characters.

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.

Join her reader group, Maria’s Love Seekers. 
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PRE-ORDER BLITZ – Unbreak Me by Maria Vickers

Unbreak Me
By Maria Vickers
Genre: MM, Gay Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: T.E. Black Designs
Cover Models: TankJoey and Dr. Travis France
Release Date: March 21, 2019

Other Retailers
They were supposed to be together forever. That was the plan, but through a cruel twist of fate the night before their three-year anniversary, Tex Davis lost the one man he would ever love, Memphis King. A year has passed and he still hasn’t been able to move on. Everyone tells him it’s time, but what do they know? Memphis was his partner in love and life. Losing him, broke Tex.
Tex has been given an opportunity to move from New York to Seattle. His friends and family are encouraging him to take it, but he has already decided to decline the offer because that would mean leaving Memphis behind. 
Then something happened. 
Whether it be fate or something else, Memphis came back to him. Tex’s first love is supposed to help him move on, but not even Memphis can bring himself to force Tex to let him go. 
Is it so wrong to want to spend forever with the person you loved most? Both hearts are begging to be unbroken.
Two broken hearts, one wandering soul.

Maria Vickers currently lives in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. She believes that life is about what you make of it. You have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.

From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that with her books, her readers have the same experience and that they can relate to her characters.

Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.

Join her reader group, Maria’s Love Seekers. 
Lip Services PR

BLOG TOUR ~ Claimed (Love Seekers, Book 3) by Maria Vickers


Series: Love Seekers, Book 3
Author: Maria Vickers

Release Date: 6/27/2018
Cover Designer: T.E. Black Designs
Genre: Contemporary Romance
**While this is book 3, it can be read as a standalone.


When she was a little girl, Michaela Snow dreamed of a life full of love and adventure, but not all dreams come true. As a widow raising her niece, Lauren, she doesn’t have time to think about what could have been, and she certainly will not allow herself to think about a certain taekwondo instructor with mesmerizing hazel eyes. Meeting Evan was never part of the plan, and now she can’t seem to get rid of him. She doesn’t want him there, however, the more he’s around, the more she finds herself reluctantly trusting him.

Evan Gibson loves his life and his job, but something is missing. After watching his friends find partners to share their lives with, he wants the same thing for himself. One night stands no longer hold the same appeal they did and so far, no woman has been able to measure up to his ideal…until Michaela. 

Complications arise, threatening everything. Life is about to change. Will it tear them apart or push them together?

Staking a claim doesn’t always mean forever.




My grandmother was my hero. If I took after anyone in my family, it was her. She was outspoken, lived her life the way she saw fit, and didn’t take crap from anyone. I loved her. Taking a deep breath, I released it slowly and said, “Lauren just doesn’t seem to be settling in. She doesn’t get along with the kids at school, she doesn’t trust me, and she always has her bag packed like she thinks I’m going to get rid of her.”

“She’s a kid who has been through a lot. You have too.”

“My ‘a lot’ and her ‘a lot’ are very different,” I countered.

“Is it?” she asked cryptically with a tiny laugh. Sometimes I hated how she turned things around on me.

I looked around me, afraid someone would overhear our conversation, but with her on the phone and me in my cubicle away from most others, I had a small level of privacy, and the two others on my team were across the aisle and out of earshot. “Grandma, it is.”

“I don’t think so. Both of you experienced loss. You bounced back…sort of, and with time she will learn the same.”

“What do you mean by ‘sort of?’”

“Well, dear, you haven’t exactly moved on with your life completely.”

“It’s only been four years.”

“Yes, dear.”

“That’s not much time.”

“I know.”

“You haven’t started dating again. Or have you?”

“Michaela, my life and your life are different. Your grandfather was the love of my life, and no one will ever replace him. Plus, I didn’t lose him until I was an old woman. We had a long and happy life together.”

“Maybe Thomas was the love of my life and no one else will ever compare,” I challenged.

“Keep telling yourself that, but if that were truly the case, you wouldn’t have brought up this teacher the last couple of times I’ve talked to you.”

“I was just telling you that out of everyone Lauren has contact with, he seems to be able to reach her.”

“I think I need to meet this man for myself. When does Lauren have class next?”

“Tomorrow, but you don’t need to come—”

“Perfect! Swing by and pick me up from my house before you take her to class.”

“Grandma, I don’t think sabum—”

“Nonsense. And don’t think I haven’t noticed that you never call him by his name. You are trying to pretend you aren’t interested, but I can hear it in your voice that you are.”

“Grandma,” I growled in warning. Fat lotta good that would do me though. When she got an idea in her head, there was no dissuading her.

I heard her giggle. “Yes, dear?”

“Nothing,” I finally conceded.

“I really must be going. I’m supposed to have lunch with Agnes today. We are going to try and set her up with the new widower at the club.” She hung up and my line went dead. I almost felt sorry for Agnes.

It appeared that tomorrow my world would come crashing down because my grandmother was a force to be reckoned with.


Book One of the Love Seekers

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Book Two of the Love Seekers

Redeemed Buy link:

Maria Vickers currently lives in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. She believes that life is about what you make of it. You have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.
From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that with her books, her readers have the same experience and that they can relate to her characters. 
Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.



IG: @authormariavickers
Join her reader group, Maria’s Love Seekers.



RELEASE BLITZ ~ Claimed (Love Seekers, Book 3) by Maria Vickers


Series: Love Seekers, Book 3

Author: Maria Vickers


Release Date: 6/27/2018
Cover Designer: T.E. Black Designs
Genre: Contemporary Romance
**While this is book 3, it can be read as a standalone.


When she was a little girl, Michaela Snow dreamed of a life full of love and adventure, but not all dreams come true. As a widow raising her niece, Lauren, she doesn’t have time to think about what could have been, and she certainly will not allow herself to think about a certain taekwondo instructor with mesmerizing hazel eyes. Meeting Evan was never part of the plan, and now she can’t seem to get rid of him. She doesn’t want him there, however, the more he’s around, the more she finds herself reluctantly trusting him.
Evan Gibson loves his life and his job, but something is missing. After watching his friends find partners to share their lives with, he wants the same thing for himself. One night stands no longer hold the same appeal they did and so far, no woman has been able to measure up to his ideal…until Michaela. 
Complications arise, threatening everything. Life is about to change. Will it tear them apart or push them together?

Staking a claim doesn’t always mean forever.



Sometimes it was hard seeing my friend so happy. Bryan had finally pulled his head out of his ass and got the girl of his dreams, and it was someone he never saw coming. Emma was made for him though, which made me a little jealous.

I’d always considered myself a nice guy, good-looking, tall, muscular, and yet, while I could get almost any girl I wanted, I’d never found the one. Lying deep inside me, a hopeless romantic waited—something most didn’t know about me. Bryan did, but then again, we’d known each other since junior high and he was my best friend/former roommate. My friend Chad, whom I met through Bryan, probably suspected, but he never said anything. Then again, although he’d be loathed to admit it, he’d been looking for the same thing…until Rayne.

Rayne was a work of art. Beautiful on the outside, but a decrepit, flesh falling off the bones, ugly bitch on the inside, and Chad had it out for her–not that I blamed him. I didn’t. She attacked with a vengeance and only thought about herself, but there was something in her eyes. Something hidden in the depths of a darkness few truly knew.

I knew the darkness. I understood where she’d gone, and it wasn’t a place many left without help. Sometimes, I could still feel the pull of the ghosts trying to drag me back, but I refused to go back there. I wouldn’t lose myself again.

“Sabum,” a small voice broke through the fog and cleared the air. I grinned and turned around to find one of my students standing behind me, rocking on her feet, her hands behind her back as if she were hiding something from me. Today, her hair had bright pink fuzzy something holding it in two long blonde braids. The ends were thankfully not as bright or distracting.

“Matilda,” I answered, biting the inside of my lip when I saw the disgusted face she made. She stuck out her tongue as if she’d eaten something that tasted disgusting and scrunched up her face. The first day she joined my Taekwondo dojang, she’d made almost the same face when her mother introduced her to me. Matilda had tried to hide it, but she’d failed miserably. I didn’t tell on her though. “Mattie then?”

Rolling her eyes, she sighed comically, overemphasizing everything by lifting her shoulders more than necessary and exhaling loudly. “I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to remember. You make me call you sabum because you are my teacher, why can’t you call me Mattie?”

“You’re right.” I held back my laughter. This little girl had come a long way in the year I’d been teaching her. Her mother had brought her in hoping that learning Taekwondo would give her some confidence. Mattie had been shy and quiet, unable to look me in the eyes. It took me a month to find out she had a pair of striking blue eyes. Up to that point, I only knew she had hair so blonde, it was white, and it was always in two French braids that ran down the back of her head, ending at her shoulder blades. When I’d met her, she was eight but very small. I thought she’d been in first grade, not third. The first time she watched a class and someone got thrown, she screamed and begged her mother to let her go home.

A year later, this little girl loved coming, could take on some of the kids bigger than her, and was always the first to show up for class. Such a drastic change. I wished I could say the same about some of my other students. Unlike her, some of my other students would stick to the shadows and stay in the background if they could. Fortunately, or maybe it was unfortunately for them, I didn’t allow that in my dojang.

“Sabum,” Mattie called out again.

“Hmmm?” I hummed, shaking myself from my thoughts. “What is it?”

Rolling her eyes, she put her hands on her hip. “Aren’t you the one that said we should always listen to others?”

“I did?” I stepped past her and ruffled her hair, giving her a small wink.”


“Isn’t it time for you to get ready for class?”

“I suppose.” She sighed.

“Don’t sound so put out.”

“Hey, Sabum…?” Her words drifted off, but I had a feeling she wasn’t done. Clasping my hands behind my back, I waited, and it didn’t take long for her to continue. “Why are boys jerks?”

This threw me off. Boys? Was she old enough to even know the difference between boys and girls? Was she old enough to like boys? I’d admit that I didn’t have that much experience with kids outside of the dojang, which was probably for the best since I really didn’t know how to handle them besides teaching them Taekwondo.

“Sabum?” she called out to me.

“Sorry.” I smiled and patted her head. “Boys will always be jerks. Even when they are my age.” My thoughts drifted to Bryan and Chad. One had finally learned to pull his head out of his ass, but his wife still kept him on his toes, and the other…sometimes I wondered if there was any hope for him.

Her grimace reminded me of someone who just ate a lemon and didn’t like it. “Really? And you’re old.” She shook her head in disappointment.

I snorted unable to hold back my laughter any longer. “Why don’t you go and get ready and we’ll warm up as we wait for everyone else.”

When she ran off, her mother approached. “Sorry about that Evan.”

“No worries. I don’t mind at all. When I was her age, anyone twenty and above seemed old. How are things going at school?”

“Her teachers rave about her and she gets along with the other students.”

I smiled. “I’m glad.”

“Me too. She had such a hard time and now…she’s a different person. Thank you. My husband and I can’t thank you enough.”

“She did all the work,” I corrected Mattie’s mother.

“But you helped her along.” She smiled and grabbed my arm to squeeze it before walking over to the metal bleachers I had in the far corner for parents to watch their kids.

I was about to go and join Mattie when a stranger who appeared very unsure of herself entered practically dragging a little girl with messy, curly brown hair entered. The girl could have used a good hairbrush. The woman…I swallowed hard.Fuck me!Her white teeth were biting her lower lip and I half expected to see blood gushing from a wound any minute. Her brown eyes were darting from side to side, and she kept pushing a few strands of her straight golden hair that had escaped her bun, behind her ear. And the curves on this woman was enough to make my dick stand at attention.

Clearing my throat, I approached her slowly and said, “Hi. I’m Evan. Can I help you?”




Book One of the Love Seekers

buy links:
Book Two of the Love Seekers
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Maria Vickers currently lives in St. Louis, MO with her pug, Spencer Tracy. She has always had a passion for writing and after she became disabled in 2010, she decided to use writing as her escape. She believes that life is about what you make of it. You have to live it to the fullest no matter the circumstances.
From a young age, she has always loved books and even dreamed of being an author when she was younger. Growing up in the Navy, she used to weave tales for her siblings and her friends about anything and everything. And when she wasn’t creating her own stories, she had a book in her hand. They transported her to another world. She hopes that with her books, her readers have the same experience and that they can relate to her characters. 
Getting sick changed her life forever, but it also opened doors for her that she thought would always be out of reach.



IG: @authormariavickers
Join her reader group, Maria’s Love Seekers.





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