Category Archives: Book Tour

RELEASE TOUR – Bridesmaid to Bride by Terra Weiss

Bridesmaid to Bride by Terra Weiss


A pact between best friends and one stress-relieving tryst that turns into two…three…whatever. It’s a wedding—who’s counting? I don’t want it to end, but I’m supposed to land the powerful New York attorney hand-selected by my father. I think I’m in love with the wrong guy. Sweet mother—now what?

Readers who enjoy reads with golden retriever heroes will love Bridesmaid to Bride by Terra Weiss, a steamy, friends to lovers, forbidden romance, romantic comedy.


So one tiny tryst with your BFF turns into two…three…whatever.

It’s a wedding—who’s counting?

It’s my twin sister’s live, televised circus…I mean wedding, and my BFF, West Quinn and I make a pact: I help him become next season’s reality dating TV star, and he helps me land the rich, powerful, and connected suit my father’s hand-selected.

Easy, right?

Actually, it is. West and I make a great team, as always—he’a a brilliant techie with an off-the-wall sense of humor. We sneak away for one tiny stress-relieving tryst…that turns into two…that turns into a craze. Hello, mind-blowing!

But it’s all in good fun. Dad would have a second heart attack if I ended up with West and not the New York attorney poised to join me in taking over my family’s firm.

Ugh—I don’t want this pact to end, and it’s not just about the help. West accepts me. Is always there for me. Encourages me to follow my passion for baking.

Oh, God. I think I’m in love with the wrong guy! It’s too late, not to mention that West and I can never happen.

Sweet mother—now what?

*Bridesmaid to Bride is a witty, heartfelt interconnected stand-alone romcom with adult language and steamy, open-door chemistry that will have you rooting for a happily-ever-after.



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Copyright 2024 Terra Weiss

I head past the bathrooms and up the stairs, finding Eva on the top deck of the yacht, the ocean breeze playing with her dark curls. She’s staring out at the vast water, her arms wrapped around herself like she’s holding in the world’s weight.

“Hey,” I say softly, coming to stand beside her.

“Hey.” She doesn’t look at me. “You didn’t have to come.”

“I know.” My mind flips through the Rolodex of Eva’s favorite topics, and when I land on one, my eyes move skyward when I say, “You might know this, but it takes millions of years for a star’s light to reach our eyes. Gazing at the night sky is like looking really far back in time.”

“I didn’t know that, actually.” Her gaze drifts up. “So, what we’re admiring is the ghosts of stars?” 


“The universe’s time capsule,” we say in unison. Then we both call out, “Jinx,” and then, “Double jinx,” at the same time. When that happens, which it does often, Eva gets to punch my shoulder, not too hard, which she does.

I pretend it hurts more than it does, grabbing my shoulder and stepping back, and she busts up. I don’t know why, but this always makes her laugh.

Then her face turns serious as she looks back up at the sky. “Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” She sighs. “Okay, I’ve got one. The sun is the closest star to Earth, but do you know how long it’d take for us to travel there by plane?”

“Long enough to need some serious in-flight entertainment.”

She smiles, a twinkle appearing in her eyes. “Definitely.”

We stare above, and everything quiets except the lap of ocean waves and the hum of the yacht’s motor. I know the answer, but that’s no fun. So I finally say, “Five years?”

“Close. Try nineteen years.”

I make my eyes go wide. “Nineteen? Seriously?” 

She playfully smacks my shoulder. “You knew the answer.”

“Caught me.” I smile adoringly at her. I should know I can’t pull stuff like that with her.

I catch a glimpse of a dark spot in the ocean that looks like a portal to another world. “Makes you appreciate those same-day Amazon deliveries, huh?”

“Totally.” She bumps into my side playfully. “But imagine the frequent flier miles.”

We stand, catching our breath, and her eyes move over the water.


About Terra Weiss 

Terra Weiss is a romcom author with a knack for witty banter and gift for capturing authentic family dynamics. Readers love how her stories steer away from typical romcom cookie-cutter formulas and show how real-life people find real-life love.

When Terra’s not spilling the tea on what happens in the big and small towns that live in her heart, you’ll find her with her spunky daughter, mad scientist husband, wacky and wonderful mother, and the two six-pound dogs that run her house. She enjoys jogging at a snail’s pace, reading from her iPhone, and piling bright orange mountains of squeezy cheese on her crackers.


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RELEASE TOUR – Rebound by Evelyn Sola

Rebound by Evelyn Sola


Layla Jackson wasn’t looking for love or marriage, especially not with notorious playboy and single dad, Seth Wakowski. But when people in Seth’s life tell him it’s time he settle down and clean up his act, there’s only one person Seth can think of for the job. Can Seth win Layla over and prove there’s more to him than meets the eye? 

Readers who enjoy marriage-of-convenience romances will devour Rebound by Evelyn Sola, a steamy diverse romance.



Catching feelings in a marriage of convenience is REALLY inconvenient.

Layla Jackson isn’t looking for marriage or her own happily ever after. At least not at this point in her life and especially not with notorious playboy and single dad, Seth Wakowski.

He may be a baller on the court, but off- he’s immature and the total opposite of the kind of guy she would ever want to be involved with.

Seth’s baby girl? Now that’s a totally different story. Layla and Jasmine adore each other.

But when people in Seth’s life tell him it’s time he settle down and clean up his act, there’s only one person he can think of for the job.

If only he can show her there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Despite her judgmental attitude toward Seth, she can’t deny the electrical charge each time their eyes lock. Or the desire that runs through her each time they touch.

Can Seth win Layla over and prove that their marriage won’t be just another rebound? He knows he’s playing for keeps, but will he be able to convince her of that?


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Copyright 2024 Evelyn Sola

He follows me while I busy myself fluffing the pillows on the couch.

“Marriage is serious. It shouldn’t be treated as a transaction,” I admonish.

“Everything is a transaction, Layla. Look at me,” he orders, but I don’t move. “Come on.” He takes my shoulders and turns me to look at him again. “I have money, and you need it to help your grandma. You have something I want.” I gasp at his crassness. “Not that,” he chuckles. “We can help each other. My daughter likes you, and I want to give her the kind of family I never had.”

I break away from his touch, but I don’t move away. “That’s not how marriage is supposed to work. And I’m only twenty-two. I’m not ready to raise a child.” Then I try to shove him, only he doesn’t budge.

“A marriage works however we want it to work. Come on. Let’s sit down and figure it out.” He pulls out a chair for me at the table. Like a zombie, I sit.

“You’re a whore,” I say. “I’m not going to ever be with someone who sleeps with everybody. Community dick is not my goal. Am I supposed to sit at home caring for your child while you’re out having orgies with fangirls? And what about your away games? Who knows what you’ll get into on the road.”

He sits down across from me but pulls his chair as close to me as possible without touching me.

“The thing is, I’m not a whore.”

“You have a reputation for sleeping with anyone and anything. Women have come out and said they’ve had threesomes or orgies with you.” I look around and whisper, “Jasmine is here only because of some rando you took to your hotel room. You slept with her nanny for goodness sake.”

“All of that is true except for the nanny. She got in my bed and took that picture. I never touched her, and I never wanted to.”

I twist my mouth, not believing a word he just said.

“The other things you said are true, but I’m not a whore. I never lied to anyone. I never made promises. Everyone I was with knew it was only for a night or two and that nothing would come of it. I never mistreated or took advantage of anyone. I had sex with people who wanted to have sex with me. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“So, you’re community dick but honest about it? Are you going to tell me every time you cheat on me? That is not appealing.” I try to stand but he’s too close for me to move. “Unlike you, I’m looking for a relationship with someone who cares about me. I’m looking for love, not some quid pro quo arrangement.”

“I never cheated on anyone because I’ve never been in a relationship. I won’t cheat on you. I promise,” he says.

That takes the wind out of my sails. I look into his green eyes, and he’s not smirking. He’s not even smiling. I look away.

“You won’t cheat on me? Does that mean you expect us to—” The word gets stuck in my throat, “fuck?”

“We’ll be married. A real marriage because I get horny.”

“Eww,” I say.

“What? You don’t get horny?”

“That is none of your business,” I say with my nose in the air.

“You help me raise Jasmine. It was hard last season. Each time I left her, she had a meltdown. Sometimes I’m gone for days or a week. I have no family to help me. I’m all alone.” Part of me feels for him. Alone is one thing I’ve never been. I’ve had both parents, Donna, and my grandma. Not to mention June Bug is always in my business. I have about a dozen other cousins, friends, and extended family members. I can’t imagine being in his shoes. If I was a single mother, I’d have a village to help me.

But he’s not your problem. He’s not your friend or your family.

“You don’t even like me,” I remind him.

“Yes, I do. You’re very pretty. You’re smart and hardworking. You’re good to my daughter, and you have a nice ass. You’re the one who has always had a problem with me. And you’re nice to everyone but me.”

“None of those reasons are enough for us to get married, and stop looking at my ass before I give you a black eye.”

About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.  

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor.

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.


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BOOK TOUR – Inside the Penalty Box (Vancouver Dominators #1) by S.L. Sterling

Title: Inside the Penalty Box

Series: Vancouver Dominators #1

Author: S.L. Sterling

Release: May 24, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Sports Romance; Hockey Romance; One night stand; He falls first; Forbidden love 

Cover Design Credit: Thunderstruck Cover Design

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I kept my nose clean. Bad publicity was the last thing you wanted, and I’d had my share since my last breakup went public. We’d also just lost our last five games.

The boys and I decided to head to the islands for a little R&R. I’d never been so happy for a break. That was where I saw her. She didn’t seem to recognize me, which made it better, so I made my move. We didn’t exchange names or numbers. We shared one carefree night, that was all I wanted and that was all it was supposed to be.

A few months later, regret from that night had almost eaten away at me. I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. I wouldn’t say I fell in love with her, or maybe I did. All I knew was that night was the closest I’d ever come to insta-love and I wanted more but we’d had our fun. Yet, I was still mentally kicking myself for at least not getting her name.

We’re about to head into the playoffs when I return home and that is when the universe decides to bring us back together in one of the worst places ever. Only this time won’t be like the last, I decide I won’t let her slip through my fingers. This time, I’ve promised myself nothing, and all bets are off.

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5 Stars from KDWebzbookie – “I absolutely adored this book! Dylan and Aurora were pure chemistry.”

5 Stars from Cajun Heat Book Blog – “Great start to the series and this reader can’t wait to see what happens next with Dominator’s Hockey team.”

5 Star Bookbub Review – “This book is a must read, page turner, and has all the feels.”


I’m going through a real hockey romance phase at the minute so ‘Inside The Penalty Box’ really caught my interest. I’ve read and really enjoyed some of S.L.’s books before and genuinely thought I’d love this one.

I liked Dylan. I really liked that he wasn’t your stereotypical ‘romance read sports player’ and wasn’t jumping anything with a pulse. I loved that once he knew who his ONS was, after kicking himself for months having not gotten her name or number, that he was ALL IN with Aurora and no one was gonna stop him from seeing if their connection could be more.
His ex though…. The gods, cray-cray to the extreme!! 😳
On that note, one thing that did annoy me about our MMC was his holding back on info…. the man was not quick in the communication department and I understood Aurora’s frustration at times. TBH, she had more patience than he deserved at least once if not more during the story!!!

Aurora. I liked that she wanted to break out of her mould but also understood her feelings after she took the plunge and did something so out of character.
I liked Aurora’s attitude and how she stood up for herself when it came to Dylan especially where she felt she wasn’t being given all the info she needed to make a decision about whether or not to see where things with him could go.
Her relationship with her mother, that was something else. It was good that our FMC still held true to herself and that her mother’s thoughts and lifestyle choices hadn’t coloured her thoughts on relationships and love.

While I did enjoy ITPB for the most part, there’s were a couple of things that left me scratching my head come the end of the book and I was left pondering ‘why’ about someone’s actions and any further consequences that there might be…….

I’m hoping to see more of this pair in the Vancouver Dominators series going forward and I’m really looking forward to finding out more about Knox and Lorelai and exactly what happened in the past that has her reacting so badly him now!! 🤔


Author Bio:

S.L. Sterling was born and raised in southern Ontario. She now lives in Northern Ontario Canada and is married to her best friend and soul mate and their two dogs. 

An avid reader all her life, S.L. Sterling dreamt of becoming an author. She decided to give writing a try after one of her favorite authors launched a course on how to write your novel. This course gave her the push she needed to put pen to paper and her debut novel “It Was Always You” was born. 

When S.L. Sterling isn’t writing or plotting her next novel she can be found curled up with a cup of coffee, blanket and the newest romance novel from one of her favorite authors on her e-reader. Her favorite authors include Kendall Ryan, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Lauren Blakely, Alessandra Torre and Willow Winters. 

In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking, sunny destinations, spending quality time with family and friends and of course reading.  

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Sterlings Silver Sapphires:



BLOG TOUR – Waiting to Love You by AJ Alexander


A woman with a secret to protect….

A man determined to be hers.

Waiting to Love You, an all-new multicultural, small town, military romance from USA Today bestselling author AJ Alexander is now available!


After spending my entire childhood moving wherever the military told us to, I put down roots in Tyson’s Creek. My plan was simple—start a business and live a peaceful fulfilling life with my friends. That is until Seth Williams walked into my yoga studio and turned my world upside down. 

I swore that I’d never fall in love with a military man, but the more time I spent with him the more I started to fall.One night I let my guard down, allowing the walls around my heart to crumble to the ground. After spending one amazing night together he was shipped off to defend our country. 

Then one day, a little over a year later, Seth shows back up—throwing my entire life into chaos again. This time, I can’t make the same mistake. I have to keep Seth away from my heart to protect the life I’ve built here—not for myself…

But for our daughter. 

NOTE: This story was previously published as Anchor in 2022. It has since been recovered and titled, reedited, and significant additions have been made to the story. 


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Keep reading for a look inside Waiting to Love You!

I turn my attention toward the voice and freeze, my eyes connecting with the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her red hair lays over her shoulder in an intricate braid, with a few stray tendrils of hair framing her face. As she comes closer, I notice there are streaks of blonde in her hair brought out by the halo of sunlight behind her head. My eyes continue to wander down her body, taking in the fitted green top covering her curvy frame and the way her apple bottom fills out a pair of black yoga pants. Images of sinking my teeth into that ass as I take her from behind fill my mind, creating a rising problem in my pants.

Her face lights with happiness as she throws her arms around Brady’s neck and squeezes tightly. He chuckles softly, lifting her in the air before placing her feet back on the floor. She doesn’t even get a second to breathe before Riggs wraps her in his arms and spins her around, causing her to let out peals of laughter. Jealousy shoots through my veins as I jump to my feet, my entire being vibrating with the need to rip her from Riggs’s arms. I’ve never had this reaction to a woman before, let alone one I just met, but my body is moving before I stop myself. I have no idea who she is, but I plan on remedying that as soon as possible and learning everything about her.

Unable to contain my desire to meet this woman, I step between her and Riggs, causing her to take a step back.

“Hello,” she replies as she raises her eyebrow in question.

“Hi,” I reply awkwardly, suddenly at a loss for words. Flecks of gold sparkle in her emerald-green eyes as she looks me up and down, probably making many assumptions about me and my manners.

I hold out my hand, shoving it in her direction. “Hello. I’m Seth.”

The gruff sound of my voice surprises me as I clear my throat loudly, causing all three of my friends to snicker softly. I’ve always been slightly socially awkward, but this time it’s different. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to speak. Words are stuck in my throat as I try to make sense of what is happening right now. I’ve never been a person who believes in love at first sight, but right now, I do.

“Hi, I’m Bristol,” she responds tentatively as she looks down at my outstretched hand before grasping it in hers.

As soon as our skin connects, an electric current sizzles up my arm. Her eyes widen in surprise as she pulls her lip between her teeth. The two of us remain standing there, frozen, staring at each other. My heart aches as my hand moves on its own, brushing along her cheek. Her eyes drift closed as she leans into my touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips as I tuck a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. We stare at each other, neither of us moving, trapped in each other’s gaze until Brady clears his throat and breaks the spell.

He gives her his trademark grin. “Excuse him, Bristol. This is my friend, Seth; we are in the same unit together.”

Bristol’s demeanor immediately changes, her eyes hardening in my direction before plastering on a fake smile. “Nice to meet you, Seth. Are you guys ready to get started?”

“Sure thing. Lead the way, darlin’,” I motion toward the glass door separating the waiting area from the main studio. She flashes me a tight smile before spinning on her heels and walking through the glass door.

“What the hell just happened?” Brady’s eyes are focused on her retreating form.

“I don’t know, but the temperature in the room dropped by a thousand degrees the minute Brady said you were his friend,” Riggs retorts, a confused look crossing his face.

“Do you and Bristol have something going on?” I growl, my fists tightening at my side.

“Calm down, Seth. Bristol and I are just friends, nothing more. What did you do to piss her off that quickly? You only said three words to her.”

Riggs and Brady are right. I highly doubt that I could have done anything, but there must be a reason for her sudden change in behavior. I just don’t understand why she would shut down so quickly after hearing Brady and I are friends. Does she have a thing for Brady he doesn’t know about? Is it because I’m in the military? No, that can’t be it, especially with how she reacted to Brady.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Bristol moving around the studio, laying four beige-colored yoga mats on the floor as she gets ready to start our class. “I’m not sure, but she doesn’t seem like she wants to talk about it right now.”

I take a step forward to enter the studio but feel someone tugging on my arm. I turn to find Walker eyeing me skeptically.


“You need to tread lightly with her, Seth,” Walker warns as he releases my arm, his eyebrows pulled down in concern as he examines my face. “Bristol is Leia’s best friend from college, but…” he begins, but shakes his head. “Never mind, just be careful, okay?”

Walker strolls past me and into the studio, Riggs right on his heels. Brady gives me a slap on the back. “Don’t think too much about it. Talk to her and ask what her deal is, then we can proceed from there.”

“My eyes instantly shift to Bristol again, a soft sigh escaping my lips, which causes Brady to laugh. “You’re hooked, aren’t you?”

I pause for a moment and consider what he just said. Am I hooked on a girl that I’ve never laid eyes on before today? I don’t know, but I do know one thing. If there’s one woman I would trade my little black book in for, it would be her.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts before shrugging my shoulders. “There’s just something about her that calls to me.”


About the Author

USA Today Bestselling Author AJ Alexander has been writing romance since 2018. She love writing small town romances with found families and all the nosey nellies that help her characters find their happily ever afters! She lives in Arizona, otherwise known as the surface of the sun, with her husband, two daughters, two cats, and a lovable golden retriever.

When she isn’t writing you can find AJ reading, binging the latest true crime documentary on Netflix, or binging the latest Korean Drama or Anime that’s released. AJ is a cynical hopeless romantic that believes in love at first sight, that bigger is always better, and everything should be put off for a nap.


For more information about AJ Alexander and her books, visit her website:


BLOG TOUR – Moments for You (Wilder Brothers #7) by Carrie Ann Ryan

Two widows. One wedding dress. And a promise of forever in the next installment of the Wilder Brothers.

Moments for You, an all-new second chance, small town romance from New York Times bestselling author Carrie Ann Ryan is now available!


A wedding dress is meant to be worn only once.

When a stranger finds herself in need of a miracle at the last minute, I do the unthinkable: I offer mine to her.

The same one I wore down the aisle for my late husband.

Now I’m invited to the wedding and finding myself wondering why I shut myself away from the world for so long.

I’m only meant to be at the Wilder Retreat for a single day except I go home with not only a job offer, but the promise of something more.

Ridge Wilder is hiding secrets of his own. And the undeniable chemistry between us burns before we even contemplate taking that first step.

Only I’ve already had my happy ever after. I never planned on finding another.

And Ridge is even far more broken than I am—with a past that might come back to haunt us both.


Moments for You is now available on ALL retailers in eBook, Paperback, Special Edition paperback, and audio with Teddy Hamilton and Samantha Brentmoor.

It’s also on Kobo Plus and Libraries for those who love subscriptions!



I truly love the Wilder series from Carrie Ann and I’m delighted she’s continuing it with the inclusion of the brothers’ cousins!!!

Ridge & Aurora’s story was a little bittersweet to start with but the gods, this pair were meant for each other.

Two lost and lonely souls. One not quite sure what direction to take next, being blamed for still being here, the other wanting nothing to do with relationships or love ever again who blames themselves for still being here!

My heart hurt so badly for Aurora. Between the things she’d dealt with and the pain she was still trying to deal with I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had given up and moved away. Seeing her realization that she still had a life to live and how she embraced each step was heartwarming.

Ridge never wanted to feel again. He was keeping secrets that were just hurting him more as time went on so the unexpected arrival of and connection with Aurora were things he was not expecting and had trouble dealing with.

I liked that this pair communicated. It wasn’t always easy and they both had so many second thoughts which, given their pasts were understandable, but they both worked to emerge from their sadness and grow together and I loved watching them flourish.

There was a bit of suspense, a lot passion and a whole heap of heat which all added to a great story. We caught up with the Wilder family en masse and I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of the cousins as the series continues!

I’m excited for Naomi & Amos’s story which is up next.


About the Author

NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan is a prolific author known for her heartfelt and steamy romance novels that sweep readers off their feet and leave them yearning for more. With over one hundred novels to her name, Carrie Ann has carved a niche for herself in the world of contemporary and paranormal romance, infusing her stories with passion, humor, and undeniable chemistry.

Carrie Ann’s novels span a range of sub-genres within romance, from small-town charm to paranormal intrigue, each one delivering an emotional punch that resonates with readers around the globe.

When she’s not busy writing swoon-worthy love stories, Carrie Ann can be found curled up with a good book, indulging in her passion for photography, or spending time with her loving family and menagerie of pets.

For more information about Carrie Ann Ryan and her books, visit her website:


BOOK TOUR – Love On The Ice (Carolina Fury #1) by Hayley James


Carolina Fury #1

by Hayley James 

Release Date: April 17th

𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙾𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙸𝙲𝙴 (𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚢 #𝟷) by Hayley James is LIVE! Don’t miss this small town, hockey romance! 


When love melts the ice, numbers fade into the background. Welcome to the Carolina Fury, where passion thaws even the most frozen hearts.

Lorelai Hollis dreams of finishing college, getting a decent job, and not much else. Numbers are what she knows best. They are her life and future. 

Numbers are predictable. 

They are stable. 

They are constant.  

When a whole houseful of drop-dead-gorgeous men move in across the street, she knows she doesn’t stand a chance with any of them, not when they see the goddess roommates she lives with.

So why try? 

Redd Tillman is the newest contracted player with the North Carolina Fury AHL hockey team and is well on his way to the NHL. 

He doesn’t do complicated. 

He doesn’t do dating. 

His focus is only on the ice. 

Everything else is just white noise. 

That is… until his new neighbor catches his eye, a breathtaking pocket-sized hottie who wants absolutely nothing to do with him, and yet, he must have her. 



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Hey there! I’m Hayley James. I’m an established romance author who has decided to have some fun writing in a different genre! I hope that you’ll come along with me for this new adventure. I know it’s going to be a sweet, sexy, fun ride… that is, between the pages, at least!

Born in a small farming community, I spent my childhood dreaming up wild stories while playing with my Barbie dolls.

I started my publishing journey in 2015, and I have not stopped. I’ve self-published over ninety books and have several series translated into foreign languages. I am so excited to bring this new-to-me-genre to life!

When I’m not writing, I spend my days being a professional chauffeur for my teenage sons and all of their activities which include robotics, golf, swimming, and music lessons, to name a few!

So, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the possessive alpha male ride!


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RELEASE TOUR – Take Two (Take series #4) by Evelyn Sola

Take Two

Take series #4

by Evelyn Sola

Out-of-towner, Charlie has made his fair share of mistakes, but something in his eyes says there’s so much more to him than his past. Being imperfect is one of the many things Violet has in common with Charlie, and soon, these two flawed people form an unlikely and unexpected bond. But, when Charlie has to return home, Violet is left wondering if their relationship endure the long distance, especially when his past threatens their future. 

Readers who enjoy redemption romances will devour Take Two by Evelyn Sola, a steamy diverse romance.


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I’m far from perfect. 

I’ve made mistakes.

And every day I wake up and make a promise to myself. A promise to stay on the right path and not let my past take hold. 

Relationships are risky for someone not in recovery. For a guy like me, it could not only be dangerous, but it could compromise all of the work I’ve done to stay clean. At least that’s what my family thinks.

But Violet adds a purpose to my life that I didn’t even realize I was missing. 


He’s got ‘flaws’. He says he’s done unforgivable things, but something in his deep brown eyes says there’s so much more to him than the mistakes he’s made in the past. 

Besides, I have flaws too, so who am I to judge?

Being imperfect is one of the many things Charlie and I have in common, and soon, two flawed people form an unlikely and unexpected bond. 

It doesn’t take long before I find myself falling for the out of towner and all too soon, he’s got to head back home. 

Can our relationship endure the long distance, especially when events from his past threaten our future?  




Copyright 2024 Evelyn Sola

Knowing exactly who it is, my heart starts to beat erratically, and I wonder if it’s normal to feel this way. Maybe she was only being nice when she called me handsome. Did I imagine how she looked at me? What about the way she kept inching closer to me? Or the way she touched me or felt in my arms when we hugged? Or am I so desperate for a woman’s attention that I’m seeing things that aren’t there?

That can’t be the case. I’ve taken my time to enter the dating scene. I did the work. I’m committed to my sobriety because there’s no way I would be with a woman drunk. I have a business, my family and income. This is the best I’ve ever been in my entire adult life, and now I’m prepared to have a woman in my life. I’m sure I’m ready.


About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.  

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor. 

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

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BOOK TOUR – Scars on my Heart (Willow Valley #5) by S.L. Sterling

Title: Scars on my Heart

Series: Willow Valley #5

Author: S.L. Sterling

Release Date: March 28, 2024

Cover Design: Thunderstruck Cover Design

Tropes: Single Dad, Single Mom, Friends to Lovers, small town romance, second chance at love, only one bed scene




Willow Valley had become like home to me and my two boys, Dylan and Noah. Everyone knew everyone in this small town, and they helped us heal from our devastating loss.

Once I knew my kids would be okay, I started looking for work. Bluebird Books hired me almost right away. I was to run the new kids program that Trinity was starting. That was where I met Zach and his daughter, Grace.

Zach was the new owner of the Willow Valley Inn. He’d come in to return a book his daughter had borrowed from the program. We exchanged pleasantries and that was when the computer had gone down. Zach lost his patience, and that was when our pleasant conversation turned sour. I wasn’t worried about it because I figured I’d never see him again.

I was wrong. It turns out in a small town, everyone sees everyone almost daily, if not twice a day. At the grocery store, the gas station, the elementary school and as luck would have it, the bookstore. Soon, our conversations turn pleasant again, and without even trying, I find myself drawn to him. Then he asks me out on a date.

Despite my reservations, I decided to take a chance on love again. But just when things start to look up, Zach’s ex-wife suddenly reappears, causing chaos in his life once more. Which somehow causes chaos in mine when my children begin acting out.

Leaning on one another for support, we navigate obstacles that life throws at us. As time passes I begin to wonder if another chance at love will bring us closer together or make each one of us run the other way?

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“Oh my god!” I screamed, grabbing for a towel that hung on the towel rack and quickly covering myself. It was too late, though. I knew he’d seen me, just like I saw him, as he quickly grabbed for the shower curtain that I’d ripped away from covering him.

We both stood there, looking at one another, our faces red, each one of us mortified in the moment. It was then I turned around, ripping my eyes from him.

“I thought you were downstairs. God, Zach, I’m so embarrassed. I’m so…” I took off from the bathroom, feeling like I could die. Panicking, I raced around the room, grabbing clothes from my suitcase as my heart raced until I felt faint.

I dropped my clothes to the floor and sat down on the bed, breathing hard, trying to erase what I’d just seen. I heard the bathroom door open and then felt the end of the bed dip down and a warm hand on my bare shoulder.

“Zach, please, this is just all too much,” I said, my vision blurring as I looked out the window.

“Hey. It’s alright. Look, I’m going to take a step back here, and I’d like you to do the same. Look at me.”

I could barely turn my head, but I did, and when I met his eyes, I didn’t see someone who was embarrassed. Instead, he looked at me with the same look he’d given me ever since we met.

“We are two adults. We are sharing a room. I know you didn’t think I was in there. Hell, I didn’t think you were back up here or were coming up anytime soon. So how about we both just forget what happened and try to have a good evening.”

I swallowed hard. I still felt like I wanted to die, and here he was trying hard to ignore the fact that we’d seen one another in our birthday suits.

“Zach, I can’t.”

“You can. I know you can. Now I’m going to get dressed and leave you so you can get ready for dinner. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

He didn’t say another word. Instead, he did as he said he was going to.

Once he was gone, I reached for my cell phone. I needed help, and the only one I could think of was my sister.



Author Bio:

S.L. Sterling was born and raised in southern Ontario. She now lives in Northern Ontario Canada and is married to her best friend and soul mate and their two dogs. 

An avid reader all her life, S.L. Sterling dreamt of becoming an author. She decided to give writing a try after one of her favorite authors launched a course on how to write your novel. This course gave her the push she needed to put pen to paper and her debut novel “It Was Always You” was born. 

When S.L. Sterling isn’t writing or plotting her next novel she can be found curled up with a cup of coffee, blanket and the newest romance novel from one of her favorite authors on her e-reader. Her favorite authors include Kendall Ryan, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Lauren Blakely, Alessandra Torre and Willow Winters. 

In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking, sunny destinations, spending quality time with family and friends and of course reading.  

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Sterlings Silver Sapphires:



RELEASE TOUR – War of the Mind (Olympian Wars #3) by Dana Claire

War of the Mind

Olympian Wars #3

by Dana Claire


Immense grief causes demigod Calli to do the unthinkable and use her powers to erase herself from the memories of her beloved Henrik. Calli rebuilds herself and her crew, only to be reunited with Henrick by order of the crown to stop Perseus and his accomplices before it’s too late. As remnants of their passion haunt their voyage, will their wounded hearts find their way back to each other, or will past choices stand in their way? 

Readers who love pirate adventures and Greek mythology with forced proximity and second-chance romances will want to devour Dana Claire’s new Young Adult Novel, War of the Mind. 



His sacrifice could save humanity. Her revenge could turn it to stone.

When immense grief turns demigod Calli Bordeaux’s heart to vengeance, she does the unthinkable. Using her powers, she erases herself from the memories of her beloved, Henrik, so that he cannot join her hunt for the notorious pirate Captain Fredrick, Henrik’s savage father. Shattered, Calli rebuilds herself and the crew of her parent’s ship to vanquish her enemy, only to discover a piece of Henrik came with her after all.

Unaware that he lost the greatest love of his life, former pirate turned royal guard, Henrik, sets out with Cava’s navy to find a woman the gods forsook and the humans fear. Medusa. Her latest rampage of stony destruction is not mindless slaughter but self-preservation from pirate assassins. The demi-god Perseus has put a bounty on her severed head, seeking the power it possesses to slowly slaughter mankind.

United by order of the crown, Calli and Henrik must stop Perseus and his pirate accomplices before it’s too late. Echoes of their past passion haunt their voyage, tipping them into turmoil when humanity needs them most. Can their wounded hearts find their way back to each other in time? Or will the barriers constructed by past choices stand in the way as the world around them turns to stone?


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Copyright 2024 Dana Claire

My legs wobbled as I tiptoed into Henrik’s bedroom, careful to close the door behind me with a soft click. Moonlight streamed through the slightly parted curtains, casting a silvery trail on the floor that guided me across the carpet. I knelt by his bedside and watched his sleeping form, the gentle rise and fall of his bare chest—a chest I had stroked a hundred times but would never touch again. His lips fluttered, giving me pause. Lips I had kissed since I was thirteen and would miss as much as him. His mahogany locks fell over his forehead, a messed look that he never donned during the day but one I always loved to admire while he slept. 

I lingered by his side, allowing the rhythm of my heart to slow, my eyes tracing over him, memorizing every visible detail for the final time. Gently, my fingers brushed the dimple of his chin, then slowly traced his cheeks, feeling the remnants of dried tears. They were not for his father but shed for me—for my pain. I couldn’t let him carry any more than he already had. I knew I was doing the right thing. He could go on to live a life full of promise, something I could no longer give him.

I’d ache for this: his face, the warmth of his companionship, the depth of our love. Yet, deep down, I knew I couldn’t offer him the future he deserved. Our dreams of marriage, of children playing along the seashore, of exploring the world together—those would remain unfulfilled fantasies. A heavy, uninvited burden had been thrust upon me, a path I had to walk alone. I couldn’t, wouldn’t, drag him into this dark journey and risk his soul to Hades. 

Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over. “I love you,” I whispered, my voice a ghostly echo in the darkness. Gently, I lowered my lips to his, bestowing a final, fleeting kiss. I didn’t linger, couldn’t bear to, and our united lips parted too swiftly.

“I’ll never stop loving you. For all my days, you’ll have a sanctuary in my heart. In moments of despair or fury, I’ll delve into my memories of you. You’ll be my steadfast anchor, my unwavering light in the darkness. But I can’t return this love to you, not anymore.” My voice quivered as I inhaled sharply, steeling myself.

“You deserve a world of happiness, an eternal life of bliss.” With a heavy exhale, I placed my hands gently on the sides of his head. A surge of energy coursed through me, pulsating from my palms. The power within me awakened, vibrating with an intensity that resonated with the new, harsh shriek at the very core of my being.

His eyes blinked open, the dark green irises blending with his widened pupils, my name a faint sound on his lips. “Don’t.” He exhaled.

“I’m so sorry. It’s the only way.” My voice trembled. “I will see you again… in the afterlife.” 

My arms shook under the strain, yet I maintained my hold, determined. One by one, I erased our shared moments from his mind: the laughter-filled day at the seaside festival, our playful sparring sessions, the intensity of our first kiss, the passion of our lovemaking, our bold adventures, and each time we’d defied the world with our love. Each memory, vivid and precious, slipped away from his consciousness. The essence of his thoughts, foreign to my senses, tasted of the ocean’s salt and the earthy musk of the woods. As I swallowed, they vanished from his mind, leaving a void where our love had once thrived.

When I stood, his eyelashes fluttered briefly before he settled back into a peaceful slumber. His cheek rested against the pillow, his breathing steady and calm. My hands trembled as I backed away, each step heavy with the weight of what I had done. Nausea churned in my stomach, the taste of guilt bitter in my mouth. I crept out of his room, closing the door behind me.


About Dana Claire

Dana Claire is an award-winning author whose stories explore identity, fate, and destiny at the crossroads of romance and adventure. Her love of romantic tension, the supernatural, and non- stop action has elicited positive feedback from many readers, as their online reviews reveal her flair for spine-tingling action and unforgettable characters. Dana is now sharing her stories through speaking events and book signings, introducing more readers to the worlds she created. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her adoring husband living her dreams: writing books, telling stories, and changing the world, one reader at a time.


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REVIEW – Hills of Shivers and Shadows (Frozen Fate #1) by Pam Godwin


Series: Frozen Fate, #1

by Pam Godwin

Release Day: Mar 12, 2024

Genre: Dark Romance

Tropes → Abduction, Adult Romance, Alpha Hero, Angsty, Anti-Hero, Band of Brothers, Billionaire, Bully, Captivity, Dark Romance, Enemies-to-lovers, Escaping a Killer, First Love, Forbidden Love, Forced Proximity, Found Family, Poly (3+ people), Protector, Romantic Suspense, Scars, Slow Burn, Stalker, Taboo, Tortured Past, Touch Her And Die, Tragic, Vengeance, Virgin Hero, Why Choose

Trigger Warnings:


Abducted and taken to a remote cabin in Alaska, Frankie finds herself at the mercy of four feral men, each with his own dark secrets and twisted desires.

With nowhere to run, she must rely on her wits to survive the harsh winter, trapped with them.

As she delves into their mysterious pasts, she uncovers an insidious evil that feeds on loyalty and uses love as a weapon.

Nothing is as it seems.

In this desolate world where the monsters are as beautiful as they are cruel, trust is elusive. They torment her, protect her, and keep her in the dark.

But to have any chance of escape, they must stand together.

Or fall prey to the evil in the hills of shivers and shadows.

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Signed Paperback/Hardcover:

Audible: In production, duet-style (release date TBA)




1 – Hills of Shivers and Shadows (now live)

2 – Cage of Ice and Echoes (April 23, 2024) |


3 – Heart of Frost and Scars (June 2024)

BLP REVIEW – Rebecca

What the actual fuck? 

In the author note at the beginning of this book Ms Godwin says her aim is to make you uncomfortable, conflicted and morbidly consumed. Well, as I sit here rocking in a corner, trying to find words to convey my emotions on finishing, I am all of the above so Bravo Ms Godwin, Bravo, job well done. Beyond fucking done.

Hills of Shivers and Shadows is a brutally raw, passionate, tragic and destructive story, beauty in all of its scars and broken pieces that fascinated and disturbed me. Disturbed me because I feel wrong that I’ve enjoyed this content, sympathised with characters I feel I shouldn’t have and become completely immersed and invested in a story I would have previously run from screaming “Fuck No” on repeat in my head. 

I’d been making choices outside of my normal genre/authors recently, due to finding myself bored and for the first time in 50 years of reading DNF’ing (is that even a word?) multiple books, when Ms Godwin came onto my radar as I was frantically hoping for my reading mojo to return.

In so many ways this book and subject matter should not have worked for me however, it’s incredibly well written, full of twists, turns and unexpected shocking moments, it’s thought provoking, powerful, horrifying yet yes, morbidly consuming. The shocks keep on coming throughout, the feelings I started to develop for a character turn on a dime and the flick of a page, nothing is as it seems, the entire book is in so many ways beyond fucked up yet I find myself desperate for the next one, thinking about what will happen, where will the characters end up, what strands will continue to intersect and change this train wreck of a story that I cannot turn away from? 

Reading Mojo back? ☑️

Morbidly Consumed ☑️

Conflicted ☑️

Uncomfortable ☑️

Total Head Fuck ☑️

So to wrap this up…….

Am I going to mention the blurb? No, read it!  If it grabs you, buy it, if you think maybe, buy it, if it’s not normally your thing, buy it. That’s how powerful a read this is… it, risk it, you won’t regret it!!

Am I going to mention characters? Hell no. Go in blind!!  Enjoy, be disturbed, fucked up and conflicted by a roller coaster of a ride with no clue of what you’re in for.

Am I desperately waiting for the next one? Fuck yeah. And I’m totally nonplussed that that’s how I feel.

Maybe I’m darker than I thought I was. Maybe I’m now going to go in a different direction with my choice of reading material, but 100% I’ll be reading the next 2 in this trilogy (and investigating this authors back catalogue) because a story that makes you think and stays with you after you’ve finished, well that’s one worth the time and money to read. 

Bravo Ms Godwin, Bravo

Job Fucking Done ☑️ 

Author Bio

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, cats, retired greyhounds, and an old, foul-mouthed parrot. She traveled the world for seven years, attended three universities, married the vocalist of her favorite rock band, and retired from her quantitative analyst career in 2014 to write full-time.

Her interests veer toward the unconventional: bourbon, full-body tattoos, and tragic villains. Equally peculiar are her aversions to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

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Other books by Pam Godwin



Sea of Ruin:

King of Libertines:


Beneath the Burn:


Dirty Ties:


Dark Notes:


Lessons in Sin:







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TRAILS OF SIN trilogy:

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Take Your Breath Away Scorching Romance Stories

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Another Book, Another Destiny...

I didn't have my glasses on....

A trip through life with fingers crossed and eternal optimism.


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