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RELEASE BLITZ – You’re So Bad (A Finding You novel) by Angela Casella

Never fall for the man who’s supposed to help you get revenge…

You’re so Bad, an all-new heat-filled, swoon-filled, fake-relationship romantic comedy from USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella, is now available!



It’s not every day you get asked to be a bridesmaid for the wedding of your ex and your ex-best friend. Call me lucky? My grandmother thinks I’m crazy for agreeing, but I can’t let those so-and-sos know they’ve pummeled my self-worth…even if it’s true.

Then my grandmother goes off the deep end and tells everyone that I have a boyfriend. A pediatric surgeon boyfriend. Worse, she’s shown them his photograph.

The guy in question? He’s a hot piece of bad news. He may have befriended my grandmother, but he’s far from being in my good graces. So it surprises me when he makes an intriguing proposition.

Why play nice when you can get even?



Shauna thinks she’s going to pay me to play Chaos Coordinator. No need. Causing trouble is basically my calling in life. And if I can do that and spend time with a hot purple-haired ball buster?

Sign me up.

Nothing good can come of any of this. Then again, I realized a long time ago that I’m no good for anyone, myself included. So we might as well have some fun.

**An interconnected standalone in the Finding You series**

Start reading today!

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Still reading. Review to come

For more information about Angela Casella and her books, visit her website:

RELEASE BLITZ – Matchmaking a Roommate by Denise Grover Swank & Angela Casella

Matchmaking a Roommate by Denise Grover Swank & Angela Casella is now live!

He’s her next makeover project. She’s his next mistake.


I’m Ivy Anders, popular romance novelist and small-town success story. Or so they say. I tell myself I’m only back in my hometown because my father had a heart attack, but that’s not the full story.

I can’t go home. And the longer I stay, the less I want to. I’m drawn in by my part-time job at Ziggy brewery, which I took to research for my next book, and by the mystery of Lou, my father’s stuffy lodger, a temporary transplant from New York.

Normally, I wouldn’t look twice at someone like Lou. He’s a rules guy, and I’ve never met a rule I didn’t want to break just for the fun of it. But it’s obvious he needs an intervention to avoid becoming an old man at thirty-four, and I am going to make that happen.


I came to Highland Hills to hide. It’s not every day a man loses his professional integrity, his fiancée, and his pet fish all in the same week.

The last thing I want is for smoking hot Ivy Anders to get it into her head that I should be her project. But she has, and it’s hard as hell to say no to her. Believe me, I’ve tried.

The more time we spend together, the more I realize that I have another problem on my hands: Ivy’s everything I’m not—young and wild and free—and she’s all I can think about.

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Will be available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited March 2nd!



Meet Denise

Denise Grover Swank is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author who writes romance mystery and romantic comedy.

She lives in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City, MISSOURI. (So many people think it’s in Kansas.) She has six kids—three out on their own, one in college, and two in high school. She has three dogs. She spends her free time binging Netflix, drinking wine, and reading. Not necessarily in that order.

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Meet Angela

ANGELA CASELLA is a romcom fanatic. Writing them, reading them, watching them—she’s greedy, and she does it all. She writes the Fairy Godmother Agency series solo, and she’s lucky enough to collaborate with Denise Grover Swank on multiple series.

She lives in Asheville, NC. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, the aforementioned romcom addiction, and dreaming of having someone else clean her house.

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BLOG TOUR – Matchmaking a Single Dad by Angela Denise

She drives him crazy and he’s falling crazy in love.

Matchmaking a Single Dad, a hilarious, hot single dad romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Todaybestselling author Angela Casella writing as Angela Denise, is out now!

They’re all wrong for each other…but sometimes two wrongs do make a right.


The only woman I need in my life is my eight-year-old daughter, Jane. As a widowed brewery owner, I don’t have the time or inclination for anything more serious than a one night stand. Running the brewery is a big job, and being a parent is a bigger one, especially since my in-laws keep trying to prove I’m an unfit guardian.

But there’s no denying Holly Mayberry drives me crazy with her sassy mouth and attitude. I’ve known her most of my life, but I’ve always done a good job of evading her. Until now. She’s teaching Jane’s after-school computer program, and fate keeps throwing us together. 

Holly and I are like oil and water, no good for each other. I need to stop thinking about her, so I agree to beta test a new dating app—one that Holly designed, although she’s the last person I’d tell.

My match and I can only DM each other for thirty days. No photos. No real names. No personal information until the end. 

If I wanted more with a woman, Cherry Bomb checks all the boxes…so why can’t I stop thinking about Holly?


Cole Garrison is a jerk. Or so I’ve told myself for years. The truth is, he’s a DILF and a half, and bickering with him is better than kissing someone else.

Hopefully, the guy I’m chatting up on my dating app will help me forget him…and take his place in my dirty daydreams.

Download your copy today on Amazon or Free in Kindle Unlimited!


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Keep reading for a look inside Matchmaking a Single Dad!

The door opens, and the teacher sponsoring Tech Time, Mrs. Applebaum, comes in, followed by a boy and three little girls. Four. That’s not so bad. That’s two each for Mikey and me. I give him a we can do this look, but his expression has soured like milk left out too long. Mrs. Applebaum takes care of getting the kids into the room, which is its own brand of chaos, and then she claps her hands, her expression changing from frazzled to upbeat, and says, “There. Now I’ll leave them in your capable hands.”

“Wait,” Mikey says with alarm, rocking on his feet, “you’re not staying?”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re quite capable of holding down the fort. I’ll check in with you toward the end.”

“Are you sure—” I start, but I’m cut off by the closing of the door.

“Hi, I’m Eloise,” one of the kids says. She’s a little girl in a button-up shirt with pearl buttons that go up so high I’m surprised it’s not choking her.

Oh, yeah. Introductions. “I’m Holly,” I say, gesturing broadly to Mikey, “and this is Mikey. Why don’t you all pick computer stations?”

“Aren’t we supposed to call you Miss Holly and Mr. Mikey? Or by your last names?” Eloise asks as the kids get seated.

They’ve barely had time to introduce themselves before the door bursts open, revealing a newly harried looking Mrs. Applebaum, followed by none other than Cole Garrison himself and his small, dark-haired daughter, Jane.

“No,” I say reflexively.

“No, what?” Jane asks. “Hey, Dad, that’s the woman you always argue with.”

It’s my turn for murder eyes, only I make them at Cole. Cole, who only got better with age, damn him. His wavy dark hair has been joined by a short, trimmed dark beard that perfectly frames his lips, as if saying, “please kiss here.” Those eyes are as puppy doggish as ever, and now he’s both tall and broad, the kind of man any woman would welcome in her bed. To her detriment. Because he’s still a jerk.

I’ve had a somewhat recent refresher course on his jerkitude, actually. Before I left for New York, I made the monumental mistake of trying to be nice to him, and it’s a tactic I’m not about to reprise.

“Will you be joining us, Jane?” I ask, my tone tight.

Cole mustn’t know the no-swearing-in-a-school rule either, because he curses under his breath. “I didn’t know you were teaching this class,” he says to me. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

“Excuse me,” I say. “I’m very qualified to teach a bunch of eight-year-olds Scratch.”

“What’s Scratch?” Jane asks. “Is it gambling?”

“No,” Mrs. Applebaum blurts, looking horrified. “I mean. It’s not, is it?”

“It’s basic coding,” I say, glancing back at the other kids. “I’m going to teach y’all to make your own games. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Please God, let them say yes.

There are a few enthusiastic nods, although Eloise instantly raises her hand again. Sighing, I nod at her. “Yes, Eloise?”

“Will there be a test?”

“No,” I say, “but we’ll be giving a presentation to the rest of the school before Christmas break.”

“Sounds like a test,” Jane mutters.

There’s probably no getting rid of her, and it’s not her fault that I have an issue with her father, so I say, “Why don’t you take a seat?”

She does, choosing the open seat near Mikey.

Cole scratches the back of his neck, looking at her. I guess Mrs. Applebaum is satisfied to have done her part, because she nods and says, “All right. That’s settled then. I’m going to my classroom. I’ll be back at the end of class.”

Does she have a flask in there or something? She seems suspiciously eager to get back to her desk.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Cole asks. It takes me a second to realize he’s addressing me.

I gesture toward the children. Mikey is regarding them with escalating terror, probably because if I step out, he’ll be left in charge. “Not a great time, to state the obvious.” “Why are you doing that?” Jane asks Mikey, who’s tapping the side of her monitor agitatedly. “Do you have a nervous tic, or is there something wrong with the screen? If there’s something wrong with the screen, you probably shouldn’t have let me sit here.”

He mutters something about this being just like middle school.

“It’ll only take a second,” Cole says, his eyes burning into me. Despite myself, I feel a not unpleasant sense of awareness.

“Fine,” I say begrudgingly. “Mikey, get them to turn on their computers and draw up the program.” It’ll be easier for him to step up if there’s a concrete task to focus on.

I step out into the hall, and Cole takes several steps back, as if he feels the need to constantly keep a minimum distance between us. Fine by me. “What is it?” I ask tersely, shutting the door.

For a second, he just looks at me, and I’m about to lose patience when he finally says, “I know you don’t like me, Holly. But don’t take it out on my daughter.”

He might as well have punched me in the gut.

“Is that what you think of me? You think I’d be a creep to a little girl because she has the misfortune of being related to you? If anything, I’ll be nicer to her to make up for it.”

His expression suggests my shot has landed too, and I’m glad, but only temporarily.

The corner of his lips tip up in a self-deprecating smile that lacks any mirth. “You’re hardly the only person to think it’s her misfortune. I had to say it.”

“Did you?” I ask, tilting my head.

He takes a slight step toward me, as if preparing to tell me off, then says, “Goodbye, Holly.”

In my mind, I think of another day, of a young boy, still on his way toward becoming a man, saying, “I’ll be seeing you, Holly Mayberry.”

How the hell has it come to this?

I watch him go, partly because I want to make sure he really leaves and partly because he does, damn him, have a fine butt. No harm in looking, ladies.


This was a fab read…… Holly and Cole seemed to hate each other, but you know what they say abut hate being akin to love……

I loved that we saw their history from both their pov’s so it gave an understanding of why they baited each other as they did. There were a couple of times that I honestly wanted to punch Cole to see if that would rattle some sense into him, but he kinda worked it out for himself after a while….

Holly hid her heart behind her snark. She cared a helluva lot more that she’d like people to believe – especially Cole – and when she did let her guard down you saw the other part of her that rounded out who she was.

I adored Jane, to a certain extent she was kinda like a mini version of what you’d imagine Holly to be when she was younger. Raised by a single dad who let her know that she was his world she was a well adjusted, bright girl with a big heart who was full of sass and so very initiative.. this kid missed nothing!

With a great supporting cast of characters, a few completely detestable individuals – well written ‘cos I honestly disliked them so much – this was a fun read with some sad, a lot of laughs and an unexpected twist or two….

I’m looking forward to more in the series.

About Denise Grover Swank

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten ho uses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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About Angela Casella

ANGELA CASELLA loves writing romcoms, particularly with the lovely Denise Grover Swank. They write together as Angela Denise. Angela also writes the Fairy Godmother Agency series. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, and two geriatric dogs. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, stress baking, and marathon watching TV shows.

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About New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella writing as Angela Denise

ANGELA DENISE is the pen name for the writing duo Angela Casella and Denise Grover Swank.

ANGELA CASELLA loves writing romcoms, particularly with the lovely Denise Grover Swank. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, and two geriatric dogs. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, stress baking, and marathon watching TV shows.

DENISE GROVER SWANK is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author and has sold over three million books. She indie published her first book, a romance mystery, Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes, in 2011. She has since published over fifty novels, multiple novellas and short stories as an indie and with five publishers. She is published in seven languages. She is a single mother to six children and four dogs and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

Connect with Angela Denise


RELEASE BLITZ – Matchmaking a Single Dad by Denise Grover Swank and Angela Casella

She’s the last woman he should want.

Matchmaking a Single Dad, swoon worthy romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella writing as Angela Denise, is now available!

They’re all wrong for each other…but sometimes two wrongs do make a right.


The only woman I need in my life is my eight-year-old daughter, Jane. As a widowed brewery owner, I don’t have the time or inclination for anything more serious than a one night stand. Running the brewery is a big job, and being a parent is a bigger one, especially since my in-laws keep trying to prove I’m an unfit guardian.

But there’s no denying Holly Mayberry drives me crazy with her sassy mouth and attitude. I’ve known her most of my life, but I’ve always done a good job of evading her. Until now. She’s teaching Jane’s after-school computer program, and fate keeps throwing us together. 

Holly and I are like oil and water, no good for each other. I need to stop thinking about her, so I agree to beta test a new dating app—one that Holly designed, although she’s the last person I’d tell.

My match and I can only DM each other for thirty days. No photos. No real names. No personal information until the end. 

If I wanted more with a woman, Cherry Bomb checks all the boxes…so why can’t I stop thinking about Holly?


Cole Garrison is a jerk. Or so I’ve told myself for years. The truth is, he’s a DILF and a half, and bickering with him is better than kissing someone else.

Hopefully, the guy I’m chatting up on my dating app will help me forget him…and take his place in my dirty daydreams.

Download your copy today!

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This was a fab read…… Holly and Cole seemed to hate each other, but you know what they say abut hate being akin to love……

I loved that we saw their history from both their pov’s so it gave an understanding of why they baited each other as they did. There were a couple of times that I honestly wanted to punch Cole to see if that would rattle some sense into him, but he kinda worked it out for himself after a while….

Holly hid her heart behind her snark. She cared a helluva lot more that she’d like people to believe – especially Cole – and when she did let her guard down you saw the other part of her that rounded out who she was.

I adored Jane, to a certain extent she was kinda like a mini version of what you’d imagine Holly to be when she was younger. Raised by a single dad who let her know that she was his world she was a well adjusted, bright girl with a big heart who was full of sass and so very initiative.. this kid missed nothing!

With a great supporting cast of characters, a few completely detestable individuals – well written ‘cos I honestly disliked them so much – this was a fun read with some sad, a lot of laughs and an unexpected twist or two….

I’m looking forward to more in the series.

About Denise Grover Swank

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten ho uses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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About Angela Casella

ANGELA CASELLA loves writing romcoms, particularly with the lovely Denise Grover Swank. They write together as Angela Denise. Angela also writes the Fairy Godmother Agency series. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, and two geriatric dogs. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, stress baking, and marathon watching TV shows.

Connect with Angela


About New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella writing as Angela Denise

ANGELA DENISE is the pen name for the writing duo Angela Casella and Denise Grover Swank.

Connect with Angela Denise


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