RELEASE BLITZ – Things Left Unsaid (7C’s: Pigeon Creek Series #1) by Serena Akeroyd writing as G.A. Mazurke

Title: Things Left Unsaid

7C’s: A Pigeon Creek Series #1

Author: Serena Akeroyd writing as G.A. Mazurke

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Tropes: Small Town/Arranged Marriage

Friends to Enemies to Lovers/Billionaire Rancher

Release Date: June 14, 2024



Colt’s the town’s golden boy…

…I’m a no-good McAllister

My grandmother summoned me to the family ranch and dropped a contract in my lap. I either marry Pigeon Creek’s resident billionaire and give him a child or we lose the Bar 9.

Pretty soon, I’m leaving NYC behind and moving onto the 7Cs.

A long time ago, my last name didn’t matter and his status meant nothing. Now, he hates me and I can’t forgive him.

Forced proximity reminds us of what we once had, but with so many things left unsaid, can we ever be anything more?






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Coming soon in the series

Pre-order Book Two:



I LOVED this book…. I was intrigued when we were introduced to the Korhonen family in Cole’s book and couldn’t wait to find out what they were all about when the spin-off series was announced.

Zee & Colt were just, yeah, they were everything!!
I kinda wanted to dislike Colton but when we discovered what had happened ten years prior and why he reacted the way he did it was nigh on impossible to dislike him at all.

Colt was a protector and that was obvious in both present day and flashbacks. His connection to Zee started more than a decade prior and even though they hadn’t had any contact in the ten years since they last saw each other the flame was still burning for both of them even if they each had their own reasons and secrets that gave them reasons to keep the gulf between them from closing.

Zee (Suzanne) had had a torrid time and had left Pigeon Creek and her family’s ranch with literally no intention of ever returning, this was a place she no longer considered home for multiple reasons.
I felt for her when she realised the depths of the arrangement her grandmother had schemed with the head of the Korhonen family. I understood her demands and her reasoning behind her thoughts but I was delighted when things between her and Colt started to improve and the hints of the people they were before started to appear.

There were more than a few things going on in this book and the plot was well done. There were secrets, lies and some skullduggery that kept me guessing and certain side characters that I just could not stand.
I had concerns that there was gonna be a communication issue (one of my pet peeves in a book) between our MCs but Colt & Zee built a level of trust that had them keeping (most) lines of communication open. I spent a lot of the read waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it did, it was not quite what I was expecting, but it was delicious!!!! 😈😈😈

I adored Callan and his relationship with Zee was fab. I loved how Colt looked out for his baby brother but still treated him as an important part of the ranch and family.

I’m so looking forward to Cody’s book. The guy has me tied up in knots wondering what’s happened with him.

The epilogues…. They just finished the book so well in my opinion.

This book was 5 solid stars for me and a book I can definitely see myself reading again in the future!



International Best Selling Author G.A. Mazurke is the crazy lady behind Serena Akeroyd, crafter of smexy heroes you just wanna lick. While Serena has us expecting dark romance with lots of twists and turns … G.A. is her more mainstream/contemporary personality.

She explores her sweeter side while keeping the sexy we love, where the women fall hard but the men fall harder.

Some of G.A.’s books will cross over into Serena’s universes… so expect a cameo or two from beloved characters, while discovering new bands of brothers, with the banter, the laughs and the tears you are used to.





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Posted on 15/06/2024, in #KU, Authors & Books, Blitz, Blurb, Buy Links, Coming Soon, Favourites, More in the Series, Must Read, New Releases, Pre-order links, Recommended, Reviews, Teaser, Tropes, What to expect and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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