Daily Archives: 31/05/2024

BOOK TOUR – Inside the Penalty Box (Vancouver Dominators #1) by S.L. Sterling

Title: Inside the Penalty Box

Series: Vancouver Dominators #1

Author: S.L. Sterling

Release: May 24, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Sports Romance; Hockey Romance; One night stand; He falls first; Forbidden love 

Cover Design Credit: Thunderstruck Cover Design

Goodreads Link: https://geni.us/InsidethePenaltyBoxGR

Bookbub Link: https://www.bookbub.com/books/inside-the-penalty-box-vancouver-dominators-book-1-by-s-l-sterling


I kept my nose clean. Bad publicity was the last thing you wanted, and I’d had my share since my last breakup went public. We’d also just lost our last five games.

The boys and I decided to head to the islands for a little R&R. I’d never been so happy for a break. That was where I saw her. She didn’t seem to recognize me, which made it better, so I made my move. We didn’t exchange names or numbers. We shared one carefree night, that was all I wanted and that was all it was supposed to be.

A few months later, regret from that night had almost eaten away at me. I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. I wouldn’t say I fell in love with her, or maybe I did. All I knew was that night was the closest I’d ever come to insta-love and I wanted more but we’d had our fun. Yet, I was still mentally kicking myself for at least not getting her name.

We’re about to head into the playoffs when I return home and that is when the universe decides to bring us back together in one of the worst places ever. Only this time won’t be like the last, I decide I won’t let her slip through my fingers. This time, I’ve promised myself nothing, and all bets are off.

Buy Links:

Universal: https://geni.us/InsidethePenaltyBox

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFS66ZPJ

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/3UI1t0r

Apple iTunes: https://bit.ly/3UIO8Fl

Kobo: https://bit.ly/4boJbah

Smashwords: https://bit.ly/3UGUk0r


5 Stars from KDWebzbookie – “I absolutely adored this book! Dylan and Aurora were pure chemistry.”

5 Stars from Cajun Heat Book Blog – “Great start to the series and this reader can’t wait to see what happens next with Dominator’s Hockey team.”

5 Star Bookbub Review – “This book is a must read, page turner, and has all the feels.”


I’m going through a real hockey romance phase at the minute so ‘Inside The Penalty Box’ really caught my interest. I’ve read and really enjoyed some of S.L.’s books before and genuinely thought I’d love this one.

I liked Dylan. I really liked that he wasn’t your stereotypical ‘romance read sports player’ and wasn’t jumping anything with a pulse. I loved that once he knew who his ONS was, after kicking himself for months having not gotten her name or number, that he was ALL IN with Aurora and no one was gonna stop him from seeing if their connection could be more.
His ex though…. The gods, cray-cray to the extreme!! 😳
On that note, one thing that did annoy me about our MMC was his holding back on info…. the man was not quick in the communication department and I understood Aurora’s frustration at times. TBH, she had more patience than he deserved at least once if not more during the story!!!

Aurora. I liked that she wanted to break out of her mould but also understood her feelings after she took the plunge and did something so out of character.
I liked Aurora’s attitude and how she stood up for herself when it came to Dylan especially where she felt she wasn’t being given all the info she needed to make a decision about whether or not to see where things with him could go.
Her relationship with her mother, that was something else. It was good that our FMC still held true to herself and that her mother’s thoughts and lifestyle choices hadn’t coloured her thoughts on relationships and love.

While I did enjoy ITPB for the most part, there’s were a couple of things that left me scratching my head come the end of the book and I was left pondering ‘why’ about someone’s actions and any further consequences that there might be…….

I’m hoping to see more of this pair in the Vancouver Dominators series going forward and I’m really looking forward to finding out more about Knox and Lorelai and exactly what happened in the past that has her reacting so badly him now!! 🤔


Author Bio:

S.L. Sterling was born and raised in southern Ontario. She now lives in Northern Ontario Canada and is married to her best friend and soul mate and their two dogs. 

An avid reader all her life, S.L. Sterling dreamt of becoming an author. She decided to give writing a try after one of her favorite authors launched a course on how to write your novel. This course gave her the push she needed to put pen to paper and her debut novel “It Was Always You” was born. 

When S.L. Sterling isn’t writing or plotting her next novel she can be found curled up with a cup of coffee, blanket and the newest romance novel from one of her favorite authors on her e-reader. Her favorite authors include Kendall Ryan, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Lauren Blakely, Alessandra Torre and Willow Winters. 

In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking, sunny destinations, spending quality time with family and friends and of course reading.  

Social Media Links

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/SLSterlingGoodreads

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hearomance/

Instagram: http://bit.ly/SLSterlingInstagram

Bookbub: http://bit.ly/SLSterlingBB

Sterlings Silver Sapphires: http://bit.ly/SterlingsSapphires

Amazon: http://bit.ly/SLSterling

Newsletter: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64d6991578891ef5c9a2f474

RELEASE TOUR – The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho

The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho

Declan promised Anne the world, then abandoned her at the altar because of an old deal. When he finds her years later, she’s engaged to another man, but Declan still considers Anne his. He’ll cheat, steal, and fight before letting her marry another man.

Readers who enjoy instalove romance reads with possessive, alpha males will devour The Handshake Agreement by A. Akinosho, a steamy, age gap, second chance, fake marriage romance.


He promised her the world,

Then, abandoned her at the altar.


I’m a realist, cynical about falling in love. Until I met Declan – the rich and powerful player. With his quiet determination, he dismantled my cynicism and made me believe.

Before I know it, I’m flashing a radiant smile, dressed, and eagerly awaiting him at the altar.

Only, I got the text – “I’m not coming” – shattering my world.

Regret is a waste of time; I stand by my original convictions.

Years later, he’s back demanding a second chance, how dare he?


I shook on the agreement without hesitation because I had zero plans to marry for love. Ever.

Years later, Anne crashed into my life. I find myself craving what I thought I didn’t need or want.

Unexpectedly, the agreement I made resurfaced, presenting me with a dilemma:

Marry as agreed or Lose Anne forever.


Deal accepted, regardless of hurting Anne.

When I find Anne again, she’s engaged, far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine.

I’ll cheat, steal, and fight before I let Anne marry another.

All is fair in love and war. And this is war…hope he’s ready to fight?


The Handshake agreement is a contemporary, age gap, second chance romance with a Possessive MMC.


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 Amazon → https://amzn.to/3UAparJ

Add to Goodreads!https://bit.ly/3Uijdzk



Copyright 2024 A. Akinosho

How do you keep moving when one minute you are engaged with the most beautiful ring on your finger, you are dressed in white waiting to get married to the love of your life and the next minute, he sends a fucking text to tell you he’s not coming, just when you think it’s all a joke.

He doesn’t answer your phone call or text. He has moved out of his apartment to a new place that you don’t know where and to make matter more fucked up. He’s got married to another woman within two weeks of him dumping you with a text. 

A woman that I had no inclination existed but fits better than I do into his lifestyle and class. 

Yinka is staring at me like she wants to bitch slap every feeling I have for him out me. The reality is I won’t retaliate if she tried and I think she has realized that is the only reason she hasn’t tried slapping me, yet.

“Eat now or god help me, I will shove this food into you, and it won’t be through your mouth.” I chuckle. I know she will do something crazy; I take a bite of the well grilled steak.

“Good, once you are fed, we need to get you laid and I don’t mean just laid. I mean the kind that would fill up your meter so much that you can’t walk the next day and best part you will forget how to spell his name.”

“I don’t think getting me so fucked that I can’t spell is a good thing.” She smacks her lip and blows me a kiss with a grin like the fact I answered back is a mountain of progress.

“You will thank me later.”

“No, I won’t and how does getting fucked heals my heart” she looks at me like I’ve completely lost my mind with that question.

“When you get blessed with a good dick, your vjayjay starts to sing and guess what? your heart starts to dance as well, that’s how the healing begins, oh ye of little faith is how the wheels of dick plus vjayjay equate happy heart keeps getting greased.” She grins at me with her crazy analogy.

“I doubt that’s how it works.”

“Of course, that’s how it works, you don’t know, until you’ve received the baptism of a good dick” I laugh. The first since God know how long “But first, we need to pawn that very expensive ring, then we go and shop on every dollar we get for it. Maybe a weekend vacay?” She flashes her perfect white teeth. 

“No, I want to return it to him” she gives me an incredulous look. Then looks around our surroundings to make sure no one heard the blasphemous word I just uttered.

“You can’t possibly be serious; we need to fucking sell that shit.” Her sly eyes right now would make a perfect meme of ‘are you for real.’

“I want to return it in person, I want to look him in the eye when I give it back. He has avoided my calls and texts. He moved out of his apartment…” I stop, fighting the emotions that has turned me into waterworks.

“Yeah, because he got married boo.” 

“I’ll return it. I’m not keeping it and no” I firmly stare her down “I’m not selling it.”

“Fine, since you insist, we should do it today because if that thing goes back to our apartment. I guarantee you’ll never find it again” I laugh, and I believe her, she’s crazy enough to steal it or pawn it, then take me shopping on every dime.

“Today it is, then I move on with my life. Guess, letting go of the ring is the first step.”

“Please, tell me, step two is me hearing your screams or the earthquake shaking of your bed” I present an amused face to her.

“No, step two, is me deleting his number and emails so I can stop calling him like an idiot or an insane person that keeps calling and expecting answer when it’s clear I’m never getting an answer.” I take a bite of the steak. 

“Okay, I can accept your step two but please three should be a dick baptism” I laugh.

“No step three, we party like it’s 1999.” Her eyes lit up, with a wide smile plastered on her face.

“Yep, I’m down with that, then we get you laid.”

“Please leave my vjayjay alone.” I smirk.


About A. Akinosho

A. Akinosho lives in her own little nest in Illinois. An avid reader and enjoy reading thrillers, suspense and romance novels (partial to romance genre). When she’s not reading or keeping up with life, she enjoys writing and creating twists to stories. She loves writing about diverse characters, friendship and overcoming challenges through what is perceived as a weakness.


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RE-RELEASE BLITZ – Dashkov Crime Family Series by Jo McCall

Dashkov Crime Family Series

Author: Jo McCall

Release Date: May 5, 2024
Genre: Dark Romance
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers/Forced Marriage
Touch Her and Die


#1 Shattered Pieces

Ava Ward is mine…

Mine to use.

To bend.

To break.

I’ll bind her to me. First with my ring on her finger and then in my bed.

Her innocence is like a drug. The Little Red Riding Hood to my Big Bad Wolf.

She can fight me all she wants, but the secrets of her past are the key to my future, and I won’t let anything stand in my way.
This isn’t about love. It’s about revenge. She is nothing more than a pawn to move across the chessboard as I see fit for my pleasure and my needs.

And she’ll either fall in line or I will devour her.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212567656-shattered-pieces
US: https://amzn.to/3QYK7dI
UK: https://amzn.to/3VbP7hu
CA: https://amzn.to/4aBSIKf
AU: https://amzn.to/3QZHx75
Universal: https://a.co/d/dfov8Mv

Free in Kindle Unlimited

#2 Shattered Revelations

The world around me is shadowed in lies.
Those I believed I could trust have become my enemies.
The wolves are crowding at the door, clawing to get a piece of my flesh.
Waiting with bated breath for me to fail.

I won’t.

New allies have emerged, but the losses we’ve suffered bear down on us all.
Christian thought he could beat me, break me, kill me.
But I only came back stronger. Fiercer. A warrior. A queen.
I’ll cut his strings and tear down his puppeteer.
The man behind the curtain controlling it all.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212567630-shattered-revelation

US: https://amzn.to/3UXw2xZ
UK: https://amzn.to/3KegH7q
CA: https://amzn.to/3KAzuKx
AU: https://amzn.to/3yxTgnb
Universal: https://a.co/d/7tApCQg

Free in Kindle Unlimited

#3 Shattered Revenge – Releasing June 28

US: https://amzn.to/4bJkBRG
UK: https://amzn.to/3QZPQzA
CA: https://amzn.to/3R0NDnP
AU: https://amzn.to/4bV71KZ
Universal: https://bit.ly/4bNf9h3


Jo McCall writes dark, contemporary and PNR romance. She is an avid reader of anything dark and steamy and when she isn’t writing, you can find her making a rather large dent in her TBR.
She is a lover of strong heroines who find their own and hot, sexy alpha males who might be a tad bit over-possessive. Jo loves to lose herself in her characters and the flaws and darkness that surround them.
There is no shame found here, and she often gets lost when writing out those erotic, steamy scenes that make women’s (and men’s) fantasies come true.
“There is nothing like getting lost in something you know is wrong, but still can’t resist.”
Jo currently resides in the beautiful state of Washington with her two dogs and has dreams of quitting her day job and traveling in a converted van around the states as she writes.
AUTHOR LINKS: https://beacons.ai/jomccall

RELEASE BLITZ – A Cowboy In The Streets (Lodestar Ranch #1) by Elizabeth Bright


Lodestar Ranch #1

Elizabeth Bright

Release Date: May 31 


About the book

From USA Today best selling author Elizabeth Bright comes a new grumpy/sunshine, single dad, steamy romance set in wild and beautiful Colorado.

Working as the head trainer at Lodestar Ranch is my chance to prove I have what it takes as a woman in a man’s world. The only problem? My boss is the world’s grumpiest cowboy…and I can’t keep my eyes off him.

Between running the ranch and being a single dad, Adam Hale has the weight of the world on his shoulders. But beneath his gruff exterior is a man who is fiercely loyal and compassionate. His heart has been broken and he’s not looking to repeat the experience.

After chasing my dad’s approval my whole life, I know better than to get my heart tangled. But it’s hard not to melt for this man—and his son.

When things get heated at a local rodeo, I have to remind him: We’re not at the ranch. He’s not my boss here…unless he wants to be.


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Goodreads Link



Meet Elizabeth Bright

Elizabeth Bright is the USA Today bestselling author of romance with heart, humor, and heat. “Sparkling prose…unrelentingly sharp…unabashedly nerdy.” (Bookpage) When she’s not writing stubborn heroines and the men who adore them, Elizabeth can be found hiking and rock climbing. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her two daughters, who are every bit as difficult and wonderful as the characters she writes.

Connect with the Author

You will find Elizabeth on the following social media networks: 

Or feel free to contact her via the form on the Contact Page!

For more information about Elizabeth Bright, visit linktr.ee/elizabethbrightauthor

COVER REVEAL – Barrett (Broken Falls #4) by Laramie Briscoe


Broken Falls, #4

by Laramie Briscoe

Genre: Small Town Romance

Release Date: July 26, 20204 

Buy links:


Laramie’s Website ➜ https://bit.ly/4bBeCOr

Kobo ➜ https://bit.ly/3yh5pMV

BN ➜ https://bit.ly/4bgSIjW

Apple ➜ https://apple.co/4dDg4lm

Google ➜ https://bit.ly/3yljsBi

Book Blurb:

Barrett Grant is wild AF with hips he knows how to use, and he’s also eleven years younger than me…


Get Baked is the culmination of every dream I had as a twenty-something. A dream my ex-husband stomped like a bug beneath the tip of his expensive Italian leather shoe. When I left with nothing more than my dignity and a vintage stand mixer I found at a thrift store, all I wanted was to be happy. Promised myself I wouldn’t settle until that happened.

Years later, it’s finally happening in the small town of Broken Falls, WV. My dreams are coming true, my happiness is so close I can reach out and touch it.

But my secrets? They won’t stay buried forever. Especially where Barrett Grant is concerned.


I messed up big time with Gabby, the hot, older, owner of Get Baked. I had no business swiping right if I wasn’t going to take our relationship and her feelings seriously. When I reacted badly to a waitress who questioned if she was my mother, I should’ve let it go. 

But I didn’t, and now I can’t. Not when I miss the f*ck out of her, and lost a year off my life the night Get Baked was broken into. This time, I promise myself, I’ll give us the shot we should’ve gotten the first time.

If only she gives me a second chance.

Tropes Included

·  small town

·  blue collar

·  second chance

·  reverse age gap

·  golden retriever hero

Barrett is book three in The Broken Falls Series: a series of interconnected standalones following a group of friends who have become family in small-town West Virginia, and the women who bring them to their knees.

You do not have to read them in order, but each book builds upon the relationships of the last.

About Laramie:

Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books, with sales of over half a million copies.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads.

When she’s not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband.

Website: https://laramiebriscoe.net/

Store: https://www.laramiebriscoe.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLaramieBriscoe 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laramie_briscoe/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaramieBriscoe


Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7058694.Laramie_Briscoe 

Amazon: https://bit.ly/3iZ73Lx 

Patreon: https://bit.ly/3iZ6RvN 

Spotify: https://bit.ly/3BCeQFx 

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