Daily Archives: 13/05/2024

NEW RELEASE – Filthy Hot (Dark Horse MC #3) by Hayley Faiman


𝙵𝙸𝙻𝚃𝙷𝚈 𝙷𝙾𝚃 (𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙷𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝙼𝙲 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟹) by Hayley Faiman is LIVE! Don’t miss this hot MC romance!

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One smile. One moment. One touch. 

One journey. 

Rider Cruz is the secretary of the Dark Horse MC. 

Kyle Stewart is new in Pineville. 

She’s trying to hide in plain sight. 

She’s not looking for another failed relationship. 

He isn’t looking for a relationship at all. 

She is clearly too good for him. 

Her past will catch up with her.
He will be the man who has her back.
They were never meant for more.
And yet, more is all they crave. 

Check out Filthy Alpha, book 1 in the series!!! FREE IN KU! 




Hayley Faiman was born and raised in the Central Valley of California. She and her husband met when they were still in High School. They were married a few years later.

They lived in Oregon while her husband was in the US Coast Guard. After living in Hill Country, Texas, for eight years, they have made the big move to East Texas.

They spend their time with their two teenage sons at all their events, screaming from the stands as they swim their hearts out!


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RELEASE BLITZ – Cold Fury (Cold Justice – Most Wanted #4) by Toni Anderson

Title: Cold Fury

Series: Cold Justice – Most Wanted #4

Author: Toni Anderson

Release Date: May 13, 2024

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Tropes: Serial Killer/Tortured Heroine

Band of Brothers/Woman in Peril


When a killer takes everything and still wants more.

Seven years ago, Hope Harper was a star defense attorney with a great life and a beautiful family—until she got the wrong defendant released, and he turned around and viciously slaughtered her husband and child. Since then, the only thing Hope cares about is locking bad guys behind bars where they can’t hurt anyone else. When the killer escapes from a maximum security prison during a winter storm, Hope refuses to run and hide.

The FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team is called in to protect the handful of public figures the notorious serial killer threatened. Operator Aaron Nash draws the short straw—he’ll be heading up Assistant District Attorney Hope Harper’s close protection detail. 

Much to Aaron’s frustration, the cool blonde refuses to go into protective custody. As the hours and days wear on, Aaron and Hope manage a fragile truce. He begins to understand and admire the tenacious prosecutor, and the two of them begin to work together.

As the escaped serial killer’s rampage spins on, Hope knows it’s just a matter of time until he comes for her. Except something’s changed. For the first time since losing her family, she has something to live for. But is history doomed to repeat itself?

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210097538-cold-fury 

BOOKBUB LINK: https://www.bookbub.com/books/cold-fury-a-romantic-thriller-cold-justice-most-wanted-by-toni-anderson 


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Apple Books: https://apple.co/3ONGWFg
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Website: https://bit.ly/4b64ei0 




Frazer’s lips pinched and he suddenly looked tired. “A vehicle transporting Leech and three other convicts plus two guards was found submerged in a river late this afternoon. Police divers were able to access the vehicle but only one man was found inside. He was dead. At this point we don’t know if the other prisoners and guards are dead or alive. Most likely they drowned, but if they didn’t drown…”

“If he didn’t drown,” said Hope, “if Julius Leech somehow survived and escaped that vehicle, he’ll be on his way to Boston to make good on his promises from the last trial.” 

To rape her. To kill her. 

Heat coursed through her veins and sharpened her senses. She bared her teeth in a silent snarl. “Let that motherfucker try.”


“Do you have specialized combat training that I am unaware of?” He kept his voice firm, suspecting she’d scent and exploit weakness like a fox scented and exploited a rabbit.

Her eyes narrowed. “I have the fury of a woman whose child and husband were cold-bloodedly murdered by that sonofabitch.” 

Emotion vibrated through the words, but he ignored it. His job was tactical, not emotional. It ran on logic and preparation. And maybe it ran a little on luck, but he wasn’t about to admit that to a principal who was this antagonistic. He needed to gain her trust and her confidence if they were to work together effectively. 

“Sometimes,” he said quietly, “that isn’t enough.”

Something flickered in those icy depths before she looked away. “It’s all I have left.”

“Not true, counselor.” Lincoln Fraser produced a wide smile that showed he didn’t mind a little danger. “You also have the protection of the FBI.”

“Whether I like it or not.” The glimpse of vulnerability was gone, replaced by bitterness. 

Aaron couldn’t blame her for her anger, but her attitude could make his job more difficult and put his teammates at risk. He wouldn’t stand for the latter. Their jobs were dangerous enough without a client with a death wish.


“I don’t want you here.”

He paused, his dark, intelligent gaze steady on hers. “That message has been received loud and clear.”

“Not enough to make a difference.” 

“We’re simply following orders, ADA Harper. None of this is personal.”

“I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.” She took a sip of wine. “The Attorney General is covering her ass, knowing the justice system will look weak if anything happens to a serving ADA—by a killer who is supposed to be incarcerated by that same system no less. Doesn’t exactly engender public trust.”

“Escaped convicts are never a good look. I realize that this situation is not something you asked for or are comfortable with.” He straightened. Those ebony eyes were soft now. Soft enough that she noticed his full bottom lip. “I will do everything I can to make sure you have the space you need in your own home.”

She looked away and picked up her fork. “I prefer my own company.” 

“So do I.” He caught her quick glance at the photograph on the cabinet. “You miss them.”

She drew in a ragged breath. “Every day. Every second of every day.” The words barely got past the rock in her throat.

“I’m sorry for what happened.”

“Most people think it’s my fault.” Tears built and she couldn’t afford for anyone else to see, to witness, how utterly she’d been destroyed that day. The world saw what she wanted it to see. A strong, confident, powerful woman. A goddamn queen bitch of an attorney. Tonight, in the aftermath of learning Leech had escaped and her life had been invaded by strangers, her defenses had cracked, and emotions welled up through those tiny fissures like blood in a wound. She couldn’t afford that. She had other cases to try, other people to help and other killers to convict. She wouldn’t let them down the way she’d let down her own family. 

This was her penance, her reason for going on. 


#1 Cold Silence

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#2 Cold Deceit

US: https://amzn.to/3H703UT
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Website: https://bit.ly/3JR28qe
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3oZXOOL
Paperback: https://amzn.to/469Aij4 

#3 Cold Snap

US: https://amzn.to/3peG02a
UK: https://amzn.to/3qJIGFJ
CA: https://amzn.to/3NaJ3Rd
AU: https://amzn.to/3PfslCT
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Apple Books: https://apple.co/3NwNNBO
Google Play: https://bit.ly/44u9SYM
Website: https://bit.ly/4bsbJzq
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/4a6fwBr
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3NvOX0p 


Toni Anderson writes gritty, sexy, FBI Romantic Thrillers, and is a New York Times and a USA Today bestselling author. Her books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense, Readers’ Choice, Aspen Gold, Book Buyers’ Best, Golden Quill, National Excellence in Story Telling (NEST) Contest, and National Excellence in Romance Fiction awards. She’s been a finalist in both the Vivian Contest and the RITA. Her books have been translated into five different languages.

Best known for her “COLD JUSTICE®” novels, perhaps it’s not surprising to discover Toni lives in one of the most extreme climates on earth—Manitoba, Canada. Formerly a Marine Biologist (Ph.D.), she still misses the ocean. Her greatest achievements include raising two kids, mastering the Tokyo subway, climbing Ben Lomond, snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, and surviving eighteen (and counting) Winnipeg winters. 

Toni loves to travel for research and was lucky enough to visit the Strategic Information and Operations Center inside FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. She also got to shove another car off the road during pursuit training at the Writer’s Police Academy in Wisconsin. She hopes not to get arrested for her Google searches. 

Find out more on her website: http://www.toniandersonauthor.com 


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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2820461.Toni_Anderson 

Website: http://www.toniandersonauthor.com 

RELEASE BLITZ – The Night Nanny by Nelle Lamar

Title: The Night Nanny

Author: Nelle Lamarr

Release: May 13, 2024

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/208446824-the-night-nanny

Bookbub: https://bit.ly/4dDHpUk


“Please don’t worry, Ava. Your baby is safe with me. I’m going to take care of her like she’s my own…”

Ever since my daughter Isa was born, I’ve been struggling. I can’t remember anything, and my brain is in a fog. So when my husband Ned suggests we hire a night nanny, I leap at the chance.

As soon as she walks into our home, I feel a wave of relief. I smile at her and notice her eyes are the color of amethysts. A memory flashes across my brain, but before I can grasp it, it’s gone.

But something isn’t right. Ned is acting strangely and every time I ask him why, he tells me I’m being paranoid. But I’ve seen him whispering to our nanny and it makes me nervous. He was the one who wanted to hire her, and now I’m wondering why…

Then my engagement ring goes missing. Ned is furious—it cost a fortune—but I know I haven’t misplaced it. I always hide it in the same place, and no one knows where except him.

But then it gets worse. Our nanny accuses me of leaving my baby face down on her stomach, struggling to breathe. I might be exhausted, but I would never do that. But when I look to Ned for support, I can see he doesn’t believe me.

I feel like an outsider in my own home. Am I going mad, or is someone trying to destroy me?

The totally gripping page-turning psychological thriller with twists that will leave you guessing until the very last page. Perfect for fans of Freida McFadden’s The Housemaid, The Girl on theTrain and Colleen Hoover’s Verity.

Buy Links (Kindle Unlimited):

Amazon Universal: https://mybook.to/TheNightNanny_NL 

Amazon US: https://bit.ly/3WzFgmE

Amazon CA: https://bit.ly/4abWt8N

Amazon UK: https://bit.ly/4bzfMdu

Amazon AU: https://bit.ly/3yfTGOI

Paperback: https://bit.ly/4aj0msJ

Audiobook: https://bit.ly/4bQC4Yr



Dearest Mama~

If you don’t hear from me again, I’m dead.

I’m scared. This place is creepy. It’s dark and damp and smells really bad. Musty and medicinal, and I just saw a rat. Somewhere a girl is crying. It sounds like she’s in terrible pain. And when I went to use the bathroom, there was blood in the toilet. So much blood I almost threw up.

It didn’t look so bad on the outside; in fact, it looked like one of those beautiful homes you work in. All brick, two stories, with a shrub-and-flower-filled yard, and it overlooked a crystal-blue lake. An attractive woman in an elegant suit met me at the front door and instructed me to use a side entrance that led to the birthing clinic in the basement.

Right now, I’m sitting here all by myself in the waiting room on a hard wooden chair, one arm folded across my big, swollen belly. I so wish you were here with me, but I know that if you took a day off from work, that awful couple whose ginormous house you clean would fire you in a second. One day when I become a famous actress, you won’t have to work for people like that anymore. If I have it my way, you’ll never have to work again, and you and Em can live with me and my baby in our Beverly Hills mansion.

The girl’s crying is getting louder. It sounds like she’s dying! I want to cover my ears, but someone is calling out my name.

A woman in a white uniform. She’s tall and intimidating. Her name is Nurse Bates. I see it on her name tag. She flashed me a smile, so maybe she’s nice.

A high-pitched scream is mingling with the sobs, and someone just burst through the door to the delivery room. It’s a little girl with waist-length blonde ringlets who’s clad in a frilly pink dress. She looks a few years older than Em. Maybe age eight or nine. So pale, she looks like she just saw a ghost.

The nurse yelled at her to go upstairs. But first the poor little thing dashed to the bathroom before I could stop her. When she came back out, vomit was splattered all over her pretty dress. Our eyes connected, hers wide with terror, and then she ran up the stairs as fast as her feet could carry her.

A sharp voice is ringing out at the top of the stairs. “There you are, you naughty child! I’ve been looking all over for you! You should have NEVER gone down there!”

I recognize it. It’s the woman who met me at the front door. She sounds very angry. I can no longer see or hear the frightened little girl. Oh, Lord!! I hope she doesn’t get into trouble.

In the meantime, the sobs have gone silent. The girl before me must have had her baby. Now it’s my turn. I’m freaking out. More than a little.

I’m wearing the beautiful necklace with the small gold cross you gave me and hope it will bring me good luck. That it won’t hurt  and there’ll be no complications.

Guess what?! The baby just kicked and I feel a tingle of excitement. I can’t wait to give birth and hold her in my arms. And I can’t wait for you and Em to meet her.

Sorry, I’ve got to go. Nurse Bates is giving me the stink eye. I’m going to give her this letter and ask her to mail it to you. I hope she’s someone I can trust.

Just one last thing… if something does happen to me or my baby, promise you’ll never forget the man who forced me to come to this horrible place.

And to NEVER forgive him.

He needs to pay.

Forever~ Your loving daughter

Early Praise:

“HOLY TWISTS!… I kept turning the pages until I got to the jaw-dropping ending!” Freida McFadden 

“WOW WOW WOW! What an addicting read!… Pulled me in from the beginning and had me on the edge of my seat. 5/5 amazing stars!!!” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“5 huge stars… This was full of twists and turns and I literally could not put it down. I read it in 2 sittings and the ending floored me.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Wow… I devoured it in one sitting!… Addictive… I thought I guessed what would happen next, but I was so wrong!… Nail-biting thriller… Keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout!” @arcreviews_by_m ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Took my breath away… Absolutely shocking! One of the best books of the year… A page-turner and so well written you cannot put it down!” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Wow! I read this book in one sitting! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and my jaw was on the floor through all the twists and turns… Kept me wanting more.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I did not expect twist after twist!… Loved it… Did not see that twist coming!” @bookworm_kelly628 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Wow!… One of the best psychological thrillers I’ve ever read… Action-packed.” Goodreaders reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I was on the edge of my seat… Completely unpredictable and you will never guess the ending.” @Jessica’s Book Biz ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“A twisty rollercoaster ride from page one… Highly addictive and unputdownable… Mind-blowing.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Oh my, this had me on the edge of my seat the entire way through… Gripping.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Wow! One of the best psychological thrillers I’ve ever read… Amazing… I absolutely loved this.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Ummmmmm WOW!… Completely took me by surprise.” @whatismariareading ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Constantly kept me guessing. I had no idea how it would all end… kept me hooked from beginning to end.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Author Bio:

Nelle Lamarr is the psychological suspense pen name for Nelle L’Amour, a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author, who has sold over 350,000 books worldwide and has been an Amazon All-Star. Her books feature complex, multidimentional characters—strong women among them— and jaw-dropping twists you won’t see coming. A former executive in the entertainment industry with a blockbuster children’s television series to her credit, she lives in Los Angeles, California, with her Prince Charming-ish husband, beautiful twin princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. When she isn’t writing, you can find her reading gripping thrillers by her favorite authors with a cup of coffee or glass of wine. The Night Nanny is her second psychological suspense and follows her critically acclaimed debut, The Family Guest, which has been translated into a dozen languages.

You can follow Nelle on social media. She loves to interact with her readers.

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Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Nelle-Lamarr/author/B0CF6B9L2B

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/nelle-lamarr

Website: www.nellelamour.com

RELEASE BLITZ – Pulse by Adriana Locke

Pulse by Adriana Locke is now live! 

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke delivers a spicy, age gap, grumpy sunshine, workplace romance in the first book in the brand new Landry Security series. 

Troy Castelli acts like it’s my fault that we’re cooped up together in a room with one bed overlooking the ocean. I didn’t ask for a stalker to break into my house and then send me a threatening email detailing my demise. And I sure as heck didn’t request that my boss send Troy and his uber elite bodyguard skills to accompany me out of town—although I’m not mad about it. 

A paid tropical vacation with a grumpy, gray-eyed bad boy in a suit isn’t exactly a burden. 

But it is a giant test of my willpower. 

Troy’s alpha protector tendencies drive me wild. His arrogant smirk gets under my skin. But it’s his not-so-innocent touches, heated looks and touch-her-and-die vibes that are the final strike that ignite our explosive chemistry.  

The longer we’re together, the more his broody exterior slips, and I get a glimpse of the real man beneath the sculpted muscles. I’m determined not only to unearth his mysterious past but also to make him realize what we have is more than just a fling in paradise.

That is, unless my stalker gets me first.


Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3J5HamV

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/PulseAL

Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3vIBdJD

Meet Adriana

USA Today and Amazon Charts Bestselling author, Adriana Locke, writes contemporary romances about the two things she knows best—big families and small towns. Her stories are about ordinary people finding extraordinary love with the perfect combination of heart, heat, and humor.

She loves connecting with readers, fall weather, football, reading alpha heroes, everything pumpkin, and pretending to garden.

Hailing from a tiny town in the Midwest, Adriana spends her free time with her high school sweetheart (who she married over twenty years ago) and their four sons (who truly are her best work). Her kitchen may be a perpetual disaster, and if all else fails, there is always pizza.

Connect with Adriana 

Website: www.adrianalocke.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8379774.Adriana_Locke

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Adriana-Locke/author/B00NPBY8FE/

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