RELEASE BLITZ – Rock Point Collection by Freya Barker

Title: Rock Point Collection

Author: Freya Barker

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: March 3, 2024 

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The Rock Point series chronicles the stories of each of the agents of the La Plata County FBI office. These books will take you on a wild ride of romance, danger, passion, and betrayal.  Durango, Colorado has never been more adventurous and exciting.


Keeping 6

When Special Agent Damian Gomez walks into the small Books and Brew store looking for coffee, he doesn’t expect to find Kerry Emerson manning the espresso machine. She seems equally surprised but that quickly turns to anger when the annoyingly handsome FBI agent seems to have her confused for a criminal. 


Cabin 12

EMT Bella Greene thinks Special Agent Jasper Greene is a narcissistic hotshot, and he, in turn, believes her to be a high maintenance snob. But the moment the first cop is gunned down, they’re forced to work side by side and amid corruption and murder, they quickly discover how misleading first impressions can be.


HWY 550

Investigating a string of robberies places Special Agent Luna Roosberg undercover and on the back of Arrow’s Edge MC President Ouray’s bike. He does not have much choice because with pressure both in- and outside the club mounting, he no longer knows who to trust. Except perhaps the pretty agent who is shaking up his life—and stirring his blood.



Single mom, Marya Berger does not want to be attracted to Special Agent Dylan Barnes. Not only is he several years her junior, but he is also the father of one of the boys on her son’s soccer team. But when the disappearance of a child hits a little too close to home, she finds herself responding to the agent’s need to protect her and her boys. 



I read these books prior to the Collection being put together. ~ T xx

Keeping 6

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Freya Barker‘s and have been since her very first book…. Her writing, characters, storylines, attention to detail and descriptions of the story locations all combine to give excellent reads with relatable leads.

Keeping 6 is the first book in the new Rock Point series (which I’ve been looking forward to since Ms B mentioned it!!) and for me was a thoroughly enjoyable read.

I love that the MCs are that little bit older, that they are flawed and, in the leading man’s case, possessive and protective from the get go. We had met Damian in previous books in another series and, while I wasn’t sure I was gonna be a fan of him from what we’d seen before, he definitely won me over in his own story!
I enjoy the strength, character, snark and sass of Freya’s ladies but for some reason it took me just a little to warm to Kerry – admittedly it wasn’t for long and I did get there (I still can’t quite put my finger on why it happened this time around), but it was an unusual feeling to say the least!!

Loads of action, heat, attraction, great supporting characters who I hope we meet again in the future, Keeping 6 was a great start to this new series and I’m looking forward to more from Ms B!!

If you haven’t already experienced the joy of reading a book by Freya, this is a good place to start though I’d recommend that you go back to the start and begin with the Cedar Tree series to fully appreciate the characters we meet and the setting of the story in Keeping 6.

A rock solid 4.5* read for me!

Cabin 12

!!! FLOVED IT !!!

The above was what I thought once I’d finished Cabin 12 and I’ve finally got round to writing my full review….. Real life has inconveniently interrupted my reading and blogging lately…… and talking of real life, I’m pretty sure I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating… one of my favourite things about Freya Barker’s books is the realness of her characters and how I can get their life struggles, worries and issues!

I really loved Bella and Jasper together (ah, Jasper, le sigh, reminds me of another book ‘hero’ I absolutely adore….. Ms Barker did well with this character name!). They were in equal parts frustrating, funny, adorable and fabulous.

The intertwined story lines don’t start out real obvious and you have to think about where things are maybe going – which I love, as I don’t necessarily like or need an author to hand hold me through every event in their story!! The heat, affection, love and camaraderie/sense of family are excellent and the intimate scenes are scorching hot!

I’m excited about what’s coming next in this series… a few possibilities that I think I saw while reading …. but I’m gonna keep my thoughts and patiently wait and see if I got it right or not!

A definite must read, the Rock Point series is fast moving up my table of ‘favourite Freya reads’


HWY 550

I finished this book with the biggest smile on my face!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Freya Barker keeps raising the bar when it comes to her books….

I’ll be the first to admit that I found it hard to connect or understand Luna Roosberg when we’ve previously met her in the series. I could never quite put my finger on why I couldn’t get a handle on her but Ms B worked her magic as usual and pretty much from the outset of HWY 550 and Luna’s character totally won me round.
She’s tough and brusque on the outside but we soon discover that this hardshell covers a very different woman!

Ouray….man, what can I say about this guy!! He’s kinda brusque and tough himself but that’s a given seeing as he’s the president of an MC club, but he’s another one who has a completely different hidden centre, it’s just taken one particular woman to bring it to the fore (not that he lets everyone see the sweet, protective side of him that Luna releases – he has an image to protect after all!)

With a couple of interesting and complex storylines running through the story, there was plenty of action and characters, new and old, that all added to the fun and made for a fabulous read. Hot, steamy and a touch of sweet with a load of heart, Freya let us catch up with favourites from previous stories and teasingly introduces us to a possible couple for a future book in the series….. YAY!!

As well written as you would most definitely expect from FB, this was another excellent instalment in the La Plana County FBI ROCK POINT series and I cannot wait to see what happens next!



Freya Barker is one of my favourite authors and in my opinion has only gotten better with each book that she’s written.

The fourth book in the Rock Point series is Dylan and Marya’s story and with a hard hitting and sadly, very realistic story arc, this was a great read and another hit in Ms B’s catalogue.

I love that her characters are older, with life experience, emotional baggage, health and emotional issues that can be related to most of the time.
Marya and Dylan were perfect for each other and their kids were a great addition to the story – and the easy acceptance of each of their families made for good reading.

10-Code was a sad reminder of just how awful people can be and how you can never judge a book by it’s cover – in more ways than one.
It was also a reminder of how the capacity to give and accept love can change and enhance your life in many ways.

Action, suspense, tons of heat and some seriously hot down and dirty times, along with catching up with some of our fave characters from previous books made this another smasher of a story and one I’d most definitely recommend.

Author bio:

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 

With forty-plus books already published, she continues to create characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy. 

Recipient of the 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, and Finalist for the 2020 Kindle Book Award with “When Hope Ends”, Freya spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

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