Daily Archives: 17/05/2024

COVER REVEAL – Rebound by Evelyn Sola

Cover Reveal for Rebound by Evelyn Sola

Release Date: 06/14/2024

Genres: Contemporary Romance, New Adult

Tropes: Marriage of Convenience, Sports Romance, Romantic Comedy, Diverse Romance

Join us for the cover reveal of Rebound by Evelyn Sola. Fans who love Marriage of Convenience Romances will sink their teeth into this sexy, diverse romance.

Keep scrolling for more details about this sexy cover. 



Catching feelings in a marriage of convenience is REALLY inconvenient.

Layla Jackson isn’t looking for marriage or her own happily ever after. At least not at this point in her life and especially not with notorious playboy and single dad, Seth Wakowski.

He may be a baller on the court, but off- he’s immature and the total opposite of the kind of guy she would ever want to be involved with.

Seth’s baby girl? Now that’s a totally different story. Layla and Jasmine adore each other.

But when people in Seth’s life tell him it’s time he settle down and clean up his act, there’s only one person he can think of for the job.

If only he can show her there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Despite her judgmental attitude toward Seth, she can’t deny the electrical charge each time their eyes lock. Or the desire that runs through her each time they touch.

Can Seth win Layla over and prove that their marriage won’t be just another rebound? He knows he’s playing for keeps, but will he be able to convince her of that?

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Amazon →https://amzn.to/3QDbN7H


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About Evelyn Sola

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.  

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion, and humor. 

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.


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RELEASE BLITZ – Delayed by You (Chicago Steel Series #6) by Jessica Buss

Title: Delayed By You

Series: Chicago Steel Series #6

Author: Jessica Buss

Release Date: May 15, 2024

Genre: Sports Romance

Tropes: Best Friends to Lovers, Long Distance, Protector, Alpha Male, Childhood Best Friends, Hockey Romance

Cover Designer: Karen Hulseman, Feed Your Dreams Designs @feedyourdreamdesigns https://www.instagram.com/feedyourdreamsdesigns/


She’s always been his. He’s always been hers. Best friends since they were kids, everyone always assumed they’d end up together. But Rocco and Jasmine forge their own life paths. Despite remaining close, she discovers she needs a break from the life she’s been living in Chicago. When she moves to New York, things change for him. And he panics, thinking he’s lost her forever.


Since the day she moved in across the street when we were kids, Jasmine has held my attention with her sparkling green eyes and spunky spirit. She’s independent and headstrong, and I’ve always admired that about her. Hiding behind my bachelor status, no one is the wiser about the secret feelings I harbor for her.


Rocco has always been by my side. Whether it’s making me laugh, teaching me something new, or sharing confidences, he’s been steadfast. When he morphs into a man seemingly overnight, I find it tough to temper my attraction to him. But he doesn’t see me as anything more than a friend.

Buy Links: Kindle Unlimited

Amazon Universal: https://mybook.to/delayedbyyou

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTHRWBMX

Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CTHRWBMX

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CTHRWBMX

Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CTHRWBMX

👀 Grab your copies of the discreet cover paperbacks for the entire series on Barnes & Noble!


Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203749256-delayed-by-you

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/delayed-by-you-best-friends-to-lovers-romance-chicago-steel-series-book-6-by-jessica-buss

Quotes from the book: 

I never want my woman left wanting. I always need her satisfied.

I’m a desperate man, and I’ll beg if I have to.

It felt right, like it was something I’ve always been missing.

In The Series (Kindle Unlimited): 

Series linkhttps://mybook.to/chicagosteelseries

Hooked by Youhttps://mybook.to/HookedByYou

Checked by Youhttps://mybook.to/CheckedByYou

Clipped by You →  https://mybook.to/ClippedByYou

Speared By Youhttps://mybook.to/spearedbyyou

Slashed by Youhttps://mybook.to/slashedbyyou

Happy Ho, Ho , Holidays (Novella) – https://mybook.to/happyhohoholidays

About the Author

I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. I am married to my high school sweetheart and have two sons. Although I have both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Psychology, I stepped away from that field to be a stay-at-home mom. Now that my kids are growing up and I’m getting more time to myself, I’m giving this writing thing a chance.

Happy Reading!

Author Social Media Links:

Universal- https://linktr.ee/jessicabussauthor

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jessicabussauthor

TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicabussauthor

Twitter- https://twitter.com/JessicaBuss907

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/jessicabussauthor/

Webpage – https://907publishing.wixsite.com/my-site

Bookbub – https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jessica-buss

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22475276.Jessica_Buss

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Jessica-Buss/e/B0B3LHQXFY

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