RELEASE BLITZ – Beacon (Beautifully Broken Love #1) by Leigh Lennon

Title: Beacon
Series: Beautifully Broken Love #1
Author: Leigh Lennon

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Reverse Age Gap/One Night Stand
Release Date: April 2, 2024

I’m a girl who doesn’t need a man. I’ve tried, but love isn’t in the cards for me. Until one night, one fateful evening—I fell and fell quick. The love that consumes me for Dominic Torano is epic, one of storybook fairy tales. That is until he asks for the one thing I’m unwilling to give him. It had been a decision I’d made, well before we’d met, and as much as I want, I can’t change, even if it is for the man I love with my whole heart.
I’m just a guy in love with a woman who evokes a sense of serenity in my life. It’s a beautiful love story, mine and hers. Until she tells me she won’t give me the one thing I’ve dreamt of my entire life—my own family. Do I walk away, stating we’re not compatible, or do I choose a woman over my future children, children I’ve yet to meet? 



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My sister swore a weekend at the lake would be fun, and as the bare-assed man I met last night slides out of my bed, I’d say she was right.
It should be awkward, right? I know his name. I know he’s the brother of Daimen Torano, who is Chicago royalty. He’s hot and likes to tell me what to do in the bedroom. It’s all I know about him, but what more do I really need? When was the last time I had sex before last night? And how many orgasms did I have?
He looks back at me, sliding his jeans up and hiding the excellent view. “I had fun. Same time, same place tonight, Rosso?” It’s what he’s called me since we crossed paths last night. After all, he’s obsessed with my flaming red locks.
This is insane. I love sex, and I’m not a prude, but meeting a man a decade younger than me, only to repeat it tonight—I may be almost forty, but I’m not dead. Nor am I stupid.
“Sounds like a plan,” I answer, and he slips out of the room.
And it was the plan, but in the typical way my life seems to work, nothing goes according to plan, leaving a second night with Dominic Torano to my imagination.


Leigh Lennon is a mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion. She lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.


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