EXCERPT REVEAL – Edge of Nowhere (Arrow’s Edge MC #7) by Freya Barker

Title: Edge of Nowhere

Series: Arrow’s Edge MC #7

Author:Freya Barker

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: February 5, 2024

Model: Josh Faust
Photog: Jean Maureen Woodfin

Book Tropes:

❉ Frenemies to lovers

❉ Damaged hero

❉ Forced proximity

❉ Stalker

❉ On the run

❉ Second Chance

Continue the Arrow’s Edge series with Wapi and Linsey’s story!

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“Where are you going?” I ask as she tries to slip past me to the stairs.

She turns to face me, pointing at a spot on her blouse, but my eyes get hung up on the peek of cleavage the generous V allows.

“Nice. You look great.” 

She does. The boots, the worn jeans, the flowy top, and the fuckable hairdo. She looks hot.

“Excuse me, that’s not where I’m pointing,” she schools me. “I need to put some water on this, you made me spill my taco,” she clarifies.

“I did?”

Seems like a bit of a stretch, given that I was here and she was sitting all the way over there, but I like the sound of putting water on her blouse. It’ll only improve the view.

“You startled me. What are you doing here anyway?” she asks, narrowing her eyes on me. 

I lean my hip against the railing and cross my arms, smirking at her. 

“Watching the rodeo, like everyone else.”

She crosses her own arms and grins back. “Let me guess, this was a last-minute decision?”   

Her eyes sparkle, drawing me in.

“Maybe,” I concede, taking a step closer.

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with me being here, would it?” she probes. 

“It’s a distinct possibility.”

I take another step until I’m flush against her. Then, with the tip of my finger, I lift her chin and take her mouth. It’s so damn easy to get lost in this woman, I almost forget where I am until a couple of whistles go up behind me. 

Then someone yells, “Not the kind of bucking I thought I was in for tonight. Sit the hell down or get a damn room!”

Releasing Lindsey, I snap my head around to pinpoint the smart-ass. Instead, I catch sight of Booger and the other two I decided to bring, snickering in their seats. So I shoot them a glare instead. 

At that moment Lindsey makes her escape, darting down the stairs. I point a finger at the boys. “Do not move.” Then I take off after her.

I just catch sight of her slipping into the bathrooms and resign myself to wait outside. I lean my back against the wall and get comfortable, but I don’t have to wait that long before she reappears. She tries to hide a smile when she catches sight of me pushing off from the wall. 

“You know, I could probably find my own way back.”

“I’m aware,” I tell her, touching the wet spot on her shirt before lifting my hands to her face. “But I just needed another taste without the audience.”

I keep the kiss short and sweet. An appetizer for later.

“I’ll come by after.”

She tilts her head. “I’m sorry, I must have missed the question in there.” Then she glances past me toward the rodeo arena. “And you’re making me miss the cowboys.”

“F*ck the cowboys,” I grumble, giving her hair a little tug. “If I show up later, will you be home?”

“Probably. Unless I get a better offer,” she teases, before brushing past me toward the stairs.

“You’d better be,” I call after her. “Or I’ll come looking for you.”

At the base of the stairs, she looks back, a smirk on her face.

“Yippee ki-yay.”

Book Blurb:

Open roads and honor meets poke bowls and self-control.

I’m a homesick nomad.

A protégé, a mountain man, an ally, and a seeker.

My name is Wapi.

I’m a work in progress looking to belong, and though my road has been a winding one, my heart has found focus.

I’m a straightlaced hellcat.

A princess, a fool, a target, and a handle.

My name is Lindsey.

I can lash out fiercely when wounded, but my claws retract and my love glows bright in the hands of the right man.

We got off on the wrong foot—hostility thick between us—but when murder hits close to home bringing about a second chance, those sparks now stoke a different flame.

Setting hearts on fire.

Start the Series


About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories.
Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.

Recipient of the ReadFREE.ly 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

For the latest news and updates on books and upcoming releases, you can subscribe to Freya’s newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/Freya_Newsletter

Or you can stay in touch on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FreyaBarkerWriter

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