Daily Archives: 12/07/2023

NEW RELEASE – The Agent (An Intelligence Unit #6) by Kimberly Kincaid

The Agent by Kimberly Kincaid is now live!

His enemy’s little sister is the only person with the power to undo him.

Nothing rattles stone-cold FBI Agent Kai Roman. Not chasing down ruthless criminals. Not losing his wife years ago. Not even inadvertently being caught in the middle of a bank robbery.
Except Camila Garza is right beside him when danger strikes, and suddenly he’s the only person who can protect the off-limits beauty. No matter how much her older brother hates him.
And no matter how much he secretly wants her.

Camila knows she should hate Roman. He’s made it clear he doesn’t like her—or possibly anyone—one bit. But when they have to go on the run to save their lives, she begins to see past his icy exterior to the man who would do anything to keep her safe.
Including risk it all.


The Agent is the sixth and last standalone in the Intelligence Unit series, set in the shared world of Remington. Full of edge-of-your-seat action and scorching romance, this adversary’s little sister, grumpy hero, lovers on the run from danger romance will have you swooning and sweating. No cheating, no cliffhangers, all hard-fought HEA.

Download today!

Amazon: https://mybook.to/theagent

Apple Books: https://apple.co/3HAHRna

Nook: https://bit.ly/3DGWQem

Kobo: https://bit.ly/3wVKkDK

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3j2p0c0

Meet Kimberly Kincaid

USA Today best-selling author Kimberly Kincaid writes romantic suspense that sizzles and contemporary romance with heart and heat. Equal parts action and emotion, her firefighters and first responders always save the day.

When she’s not finding adventure with her husband, three teens, and naughty Whippets, Olive, Daisy, and Jack, she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to éclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book.

Kimberly’s series include Remington Medical, Station Seventeen, the Line series, Cross Creek, and her brand-new Intelligence Unit series. All titles stand alone for easy reading.

Connect with Kimberly

Website | https://kimberlykincaid.com/

Goodreads | https://bit.ly/3OMS6aF

Amazon | https://amzn.to/3QXRUGP

Facebook | https://bit.ly/3NuQvoj

Facebook Group | https://bit.ly/3HZP2Ft

Instagram | https://bit.ly/3QY0GV9

Bookbub | https://bit.ly/3R0elLq

Newsletter | https://bit.ly/3QX3pyk

NEW RELEASE – Heartless (Primal Mates #1) by Grace Goodwin

Title: Heartless
Series: Primal Mates #1
Author: Grace Goodwin

Genres: Sci-Fi/Paranormal Romance
Tropes: Fated Mates/Alien Romance
Release Date: July 8, 2023


Warrior. Doctor. Spy. I am Commander Helion, a heartless terror, relentless and unforgiving. Merciless.

My destiny is not to claim a female, to have a family, to be rendered helpless by love.

Despite this, I am matched. A beautiful human female is now mine. Despite my warnings, she is determined to leave her mark on me, body and soul.
Honor demands I resist. I tell her the truth. I will not place a mating collar around her neck. I cannot protect her—especially from me—my choices—the horrors I face every day.
Just one moment of weakness and she gets under my skin, makes me want things I cannot have. She is everything I am not—and the most dangerous creature I have ever faced.

Claiming her—keeping her—is not possible with my pivotal role in this never-ending war. There is no place in my duties for desire. For need. Too many innocents count on me for protection. Too many lives are at stake, including hers.

The enemy is always ready and waiting, but I never expected her to be among them.

For the first time in my hardened life, I question my sanity. My dark soul. I begin to understand exactly what my enemies have stolen from me—and realize there is no limit to what a heartless warrior will sacrifice for love.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/183708560-heartless


US: https://amzn.to/3CYB58Y
UK: https://amzn.to/3DkbRCl
CA: https://amzn.to/43hLOpE
AU: https://amzn.to/46zJ2Py
B&N: https://bit.ly/3JMBxef
Kobo: https://bit.ly/3XDttSF
Apple Books: https://apple.co/3NIVhjZ
Google Play: https://bit.ly/3NCbBTP



Oh, heck yes. I was ready for lots of mind-blowing private time with two hot mates. Sooooo, ready. My body had been willing for a while. My mind had taken its sweet time catching up.
Now every part of me was fully on board. Heart. Mind. Body. Two mates? So very, very naughty. I squirmed, just a bit. I couldn’t keep the restless need from escaping. I hadn’t been touched by a man in so long. I tried to recall the last time—before the—before that. I couldn’t remember clearly, but I was pretty sure it had been years.
“The transport window is closing, my lady. If we wait much longer, I will need to delay your departure.” The Prillon warrior in control of the transport pad interrupted our long goodbye.
“Of course. So sorry.” I gave Makayla one final, super-tight hug, and walked up the few stairs to join my soon-to-be transported suitcase so we could be flung across the galaxy.
The officer nodded, his large hands moving competently over the controls.
Would my mates touch me with that level of intense concentration?
Were their hands that big? That skilled?
What was wrong with me? I was thinking like a horny teenager.
“Are you ready, my lady?” The transport officer had kind eyes. He knew where I was going. And why. I nodded. The hum of the transport pad rose up from the floor like an electricity bath. The extra energy building up for my jump through space made me squirm like a shelter puppy about to be released from its cage. Finally free.
Oh, yes. I was ready to meet my new mate.
Commander Zarren Helion.
Even his name sounded formidable.
I just knew he was going to be one hundred percent perfect.
Commander Zarren Helion, Intelligence Core, Black Fleet, Sector 438

The Prillon warrior sitting before me bled from multiple wounds, none fatal, each strategically placed to inflict maximum pain. Lieutenant Oberan Arcas of Prillon Prime.
I have to break him.


I sighed as I looked at the empty room all around me. “We can be friends, Zarren. On Earth, we would call this a marriage of convenience. Two people choosing a partner for the external benefits each will receive, rather than emotional dependence. But I must warn you, there will be furniture in this room when I am your mate. And a bigger bed.”
His quickly drawn breath revealed his unease. “I do not understand you, female.”
“You don’t have to make sense of it, you just need to believe what I say is true.”
He shuddered. “I am a monster, Willow. Nothing less.”
I smiled. “Then you are exactly what I need.” A monster so big, mean and scary that all the other monsters—and Nexus units—would run away and hide—and leave me the hell alone. With my commander, I would be safe, hidden away on his spaceship, surrounded by warriors—but no longer alone.
I’d never felt more sure, more calm, about a decision in my life.
His hand shifted, moved the end of the collar we held to meet its opposite at the back of his neck. The mating collar locked in place.
A hurricane of raw lust blasted my system. I gasped at the force of Zarren’s emotions, unable to hide my shock at the ferocity. So outwardly calm. Stoic. Controlled.
Inside? A storm. Battle. He hurt. He raged. He wanted.
Now that the collars were synched, his emotions roared around inside me like hurricane force winds. I took them all, savored his desire, raw need, and a deep, powerful rage I had never allowed myself to feel.

He shot to his feet, the back of the chair he had been sitting in knocked into me before teetering and falling on its side. “What have we done?”


I shuddered and pushed Danika, the Hive and the sanctuary out of my head. No more Hive experiments for me, thank you very much. But feeling what Zarren was feeling? Sharing his emotions? I needed that if I was going to keep him. Desperately.
Suddenly unsure, I tucked the third mating collar away inside my trunk before heading for the living room. I didn’t know if Zarren would be there when I opened the bedroom door. Didn’t have any idea whether he would have stuck around or left me here alone—probably so he could go to his comm station and send some kind of complaint or inquiry as to the Bride Program’s return policy.
Leaning my forehead against the cool door, I counted backward from ten. Slowly. I hid the mating collar, curling it up in the palm of one hand so I could wrap my fingers around it in a tight fist. The collar would bind us together, make our needs and emotions one.
I simply refused to believe Zarren was as cold-hearted and intractable as he seemed. If he were like that on the inside, the matching program would have sent him a robot, not a woman. Not me.
Before I could lose my nerve, I opened the door and took two steps into the barren living area. To my relief, Zarren was seated at the table, head bent over his task as he organized his super-secret, not-for-me papers.
He was gorgeous. The nearly constant state of arousal I’d been in since the processing simulation roared back to life.
He didn’t look at me as I stepped closer, but his nostrils flared. Could he smell my need for him? His hands curled into fists on top of the table. When he spoke, his words were nearly a growl. The tortured sound encouraged me to move even closer.
“What do you think you are doing, female?”


Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi and Paranormal romance with more than one million books sold. Grace’s titles are available worldwide in multiple languages in ebook, print and audio formats. Grace is an avid reader, an escape room enthusiast, sci-fi nerd, coffee fanatic, and an eternal optimist forever believing that Earth will, some day, have a Star Trek style future. Grace loves to hear from readers.


Website: http://gracegoodwin.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracegoodwinauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grace_goodwin_author

RELEASE BLITZ – Guarding the Crease (Playmakers #9) by G.K. Brady

Title: Guarding the Crease
Series: Playmakers #9
Author: G.K. Brady

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Opposites Attract/Sports Romance
Release Date: July 12, 2023


The knight charging to her rescue is the last person in the world she wants to see. Now she owes him, and he’s ready to collect.

When Serena Lambert finds herself in danger, a knight in shining armor charges out of the darkness to her rescue. More shocking than his appearance in the nick of time is the knight himself: Wyatt Tompkins, the copper-haired star of her work nightmares. Just when the Colorado Blizzard’s PR director thought she was finally rid of the biggest pain in her butt and his outrageous tabloid shenanigans … But what’s the saying about bad pennies always turning up?

Being a famous NHL goaltender comes with a lot of perks, on and off the ice, and Wyatt has taken advantage of every single one. But when he becomes the NHL’s most infamous netminder, he loses more than the fringe benefits—he forfeits his roster spot. He wants back in. Sadly, the one person who can help him salvage his image and his livelihood has written him off, despite his heroics.

Wyatt needs Serena’s seriously savvy PR skills, and he’s not beyond leveraging the payback. He’s even willing to overlook her prickly exterior to get her on his side. After all, she’s already familiar with his brand of crazy … and it doesn’t hurt that she’s easy on the eyes. Oh yeah, he’d love to get her between the sheets, but what begins to intrigue him even more is taking a deep dive into her guarded psyche.

Serena is focused on launching her career into the stratosphere and making herself indispensable to the team—as soon as she overcomes a conniving coworker. Helping Wyatt will only steal time and energy from her goal, but she can’t deny that more sizzles beneath his roguish smile. Bit by excruciating bit, Serena peels back the layers to reveal the real heart beating beneath the goalie gear.

Oil and water don’t mix, though … they merely leave an oil slick. Can these two find the right blend and net their happily-ever-after?

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/172690123-guarding-the-crease


US: https://amzn.to/3pzyDTo
UK: https://amzn.to/44uYF8X
CA: https://amzn.to/3Dja40l
AU: https://amzn.to/43f7i6F
Universal: https://bit.ly/3JN1ome

Free in Kindle Unlimited





Giggles exploded from her. “Is this the masterful operator women have been making such a fuss about all these years?”
He corralled a laugh of his own. “Glad you know women make a fuss. I assure you I’m usually much smoother than this.”
“That’s not what I’m laughing at. It’s the fact that you’re a goalie who contorts himself in the net but somehow can’t get his pants off.”


Voices sounded in the hall—one of them very familiar—and Wyatt took two backward strides in time to distance himself from Terry before Serena sailed into the room.
She came to an abrupt halt, her eyes bouncing between them. Terry gave her a smug smile and turned toward her office but not before winking at Wyatt. “Don’t forget your promise, handsome.” Her hips swung in an exaggerated side-to-side motion, making her ass jiggle as she slowly paraded back to her office and shut the door.
Serena swiveled her head to him and arched curious eyebrows. “Promise?”
He rolled his eyes to the ceiling and back. “She thinks I promised to … shit, I’m not sure what she thinks I promised, although I have a pretty good idea. And for the record, I didn’t promise a damn thing.”
Serena crossed her arms over her chest, and his eyes drifted to the swell beneath her gray silk blouse. She wore a black pencil skirt and simple black heels that accented her trim waist and shapely legs. Today, she was professional Serena, but something about her getup was sexy as hell. Maybe because of what was hidden under those practical clothes. He took a quick inventory of the pearly buttons on her blouse and imagined popping a few to get a closer look at what he’d touched the night before.
“Tompkins, would you please stop that?”
He snapped his eyes back to hers. “Stop what?”
“Stop looking at me like you’re a wolf and I’m a baby lamb.” Fire blazed in her aquamarine-colored eyes, drawing him in.
“A lamb is a baby.” Moving closer, he fingered her loose hair. “And it’s also one of my favorite things to eat.”
“Oh, for God’s sake! First, you’re canoodling with Miss Shiny Apples and now you’re trying to cozy up to me? Who does that? Never mind,” she grumbled. “I forgot who I was dealing with.”
One corner of his mouth hitched in a smug smile. “Am I detecting jealousy, Lambert?”
“Me, jealous? Ha!”
He continued slipping the silk of her hair between his fingers. “Don’t deny it. I see that little green monster in those blue eyes. And you know what? I like it.” The few times he’d been the subject of women’s jealousy, he had found it annoying, amusing, tedious, or some combination of the three. But right now, he was warming to Serena’s version—assuming he was reading her right, and that was one big-ass assumption.
She batted his hand away. “Well, don’t get used to it, buddy, because it’s all in your delusional, over-inflated opinion of yourself. We kissed last night in a moment of … lunacy. Shouldn’t have happened and won’t happen again because it didn’t mean anything.” She tossed an arm toward Terry’s closed door. “You’re a free agent, and I don’t care what you and Shiny Apples do. Have at her. You two should make a fine pair.”
His hand, like his mouth, dropped like a hunk of hot lead. “Hey, wait a minute. First of all, I was not canoodling with her, whatever the hell that means. It was the other way around. She was getting friendly with me. Second of all—”
Serena snorted. “And you, paragon of virtue that you are, resisted.”
“No, I didn’t resist because resisting implies I was tempted in the first place, which I wasn’t. Contrary to my reputation, I do not take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. And you know what else? She doesn’t want me. She wants what you have, like a spoiled kid would … and she’s gunning for it, so you better watch yourself, sweet cheeks.”
Serena’s mouth turned down, her face contorting with an I-just-sucked-on-a-lemon look. “Are you implying I have you?”
Oops. Had he just committed a Freudian slip? “Figure of speech. Although if you want me, I’m all yours.” He waggled his eyebrows.


Third Man In (Book 2) is 99c for a very limited time!

US: https://amzn.to/3CxqSOK
UK: https://amzn.to/3hQAQT7
CA: https://amzn.to/3i9Evfh
AU: https://amzn.to/3Amsry9

All free in Kindle Unlimited


Since childhood, all sorts of stories and characters have lived in G.K. Brady’s imagination, elbowing one another for attention, so she’s finally giving them their voice on the written page.

An award-winning writer of contemporary romance, she loves telling tales of the less-than-perfect hero or heroine who transforms with each turn of a page. She also writes historical fiction under the pen name Griffin Brady.

G.K. is a wife and the proud mom of three grown sons. When she’s not writing, she might be watching hockey, reading, traveling, drinking wine, listening to music, or gardening—sometimes all at once! She currently resides in Colorado with her very patient husband.


Website: http://www.griffin-brady.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GKBrady_Writes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorG.K.Brady
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorg.k.brady
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/g-k-brady
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19488321.G_K_Brady
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/gkbrady
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4axgC354RKDSqEvyCjZxXw

RELEASE BLITZ – The Flame King’s Captive (A Fated Mates Fantasy RomanceTrilogy: Fire and Desire #1) by Lilith Vincent writing asChloe Chastaine

Title: The Flame King’s Captive
A Fated Mates Fantasy Romance
Trilogy: Fire and Desire #1

Author: Lilith Vincent writing as
Chloe Chastaine

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Tropes: Non-shifter Omegaverse/Fated Mates
Release Date: July 12, 2023


He snatched me from the jaws of death for one reason—to be his.

I was a dead king’s sacrificial bride, until his murderer claimed me as his. Zabriel invaded my country of Maledin on the back of a monstrous, fire-breathing dragon and took me prisoner.

The lethal Zabriel towers over me in steel plate armor, and he could easily crush the life out of me—but the Flame King isn’t interested in harming me. Instead, he destroys everyone who has hurt me in a storm of fire and vengeance.

There’s malignant rot deep within my country. My family has vanished along with whole villages of people. As I desperately try to find those who are missing, my body and heart awaken under a powerful and alarming force.

Zabriel sets my soul ablaze every time he growls, “Mine.” He calls me Omega. The rarest. The most vulnerable. The one he craves to possess and protect.

When evil forces in Maledin threaten everyone I know and love, there’s only one person who is strong enough to help me defeat them, and the only place where I’m safe from an ancient foe is in the arms of the Flame King.

Author’s note: The Flame King’s Captive is a slow-burn non-shifter MF omegaverse romance set in a fantasy world of magic and dragonriders. Zabriel is a jealous and possessive Alpha, and Isavelle is a sweet but strong virgin Omega heroine. This is the first book in the Fire and Desire trilogy. It contains steamy content that increases with each subsequent book and ends on a cliffhanger.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/138008127-the-flame-king-s-captive


US: https://amzn.to/3BYn9LD
UK: https://amzn.to/3MYg4kr
CA: https://amzn.to/3WEEHGo
AU: https://amzn.to/3C1DC1L
Universal: https://bit.ly/3MWNNLi

Free in Kindle Unlimited


#2 The Flame King’s Bride

US: https://amzn.to/449rFDr
UK: https://amzn.to/3pzXKp3
CA: https://amzn.to/449wsVB
AU: https://amzn.to/43aCTX5
Universal: https://bit.ly/44hX4Uq


Chloe Chastaine is the fantasy loving alter ego of Lilith Vincent and author of lush novels with OTT obsessed heroes and the strong but sweet heroines who bring them to their knees.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chloechastaineauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/33238797.Chloe_Chastaine

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